Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 16:39:28 -0500 From: "Bethany Dumas, UTK" Subject: Unauth Index to "American Tongues" - Improvements Invited Unauthorized Index to Contents of "American Tongues" Compiled by Bethany Dumas, UTK English Department, 1994 1. Southern (Black English?) 2. Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go 6 speakers: white male, white female, (Penn Dutch?), white male, black male child, white female, white female 3. Ranch talk--Texas 4. Northern cities-- 5. Black female teenagers 6. Speakers about other dialects 7. Student actors (Shakespeare, etc.) 8. Institutional speech (sales talk, computers, etc.--jargon) 9. Church singing 10. Tangier Island ("Tangiermen") ("I figure I sound just like Walter Cronkite.") 11. Comments on settlement history of USA (fewer regional distinctions east of the Mississippi) 12. Roger W. Shuy (Georgetown University) 13. Style differences >Kentucky radio call-in program ("I'm just a plain old hillbilly.") (Cratis Williams) (He may could wear it in a 8 1/2.") >Ohio ("Midwest--straight American, bland") (We don't talk funny, but if you want funny, go about 70 miles south." >Texas (Most Westerners in their speaking ... are more open, more forthright.") 14. Foreign language influence (Louisiana French Creole) 15. New York City deli 16. Vocabulary differences--cabinet (RI), gumband, pau hana, jambalaya, antigogglin, snickelfritz, schlep [Today we could add words like dis--what else?] 17. Children's games 18. Walt Wolfram (now of NC State) on how children acquire language patterns, vocabulary 19. Southern female black (professional) 20. NO STANDARD ENGLISH ACCENT--but there is a "NETWORK" STANDARD (voice of Directory Assistance-- generic speech, "the voice from nowhere") 21. Female "Yalie" on West Virginia speech ("this really kind of 'you all' stuff") ("I was not gonna have little Southern babies who talked like that.") 22. REGIONAL STEREOTYPES "Southerners talk like 'niggers'." "Rampant brain death west of the Hudson" In Manhattan the air is skyscrapers is so thin that people have a nasal accent. Northerners are not hospitable (grating, nasal, unkind). /a:s/ for /ays/ ("See, ice, ass-holes.") Texan on Northern stereotypes about Southerners (always depicted as dumb hick in movies) (Examples) 23. Regional and ethnic humor (Georgians talk in questions--no wonder they lost the Civil War) 24. Linguistically insecure female speaker 25. Consequences of speaking a nonstandard dialect (Brooklyn speaker with speech coach) (Wolfram) (not what corporate world is looking for) 26. Variation in Boston speech 27. To tell which dialect is better, look at WHO is better: Urban better than rural, mc better than wc, white better than black, cultured vs. white trash (uneducated--"I ain't got no") vs. black 28. If you speak a dialect, you have to be better [sound familiar?] 29. Female speakers on style-shifting ("Look at them two beautiful girls--if they'd keep their mouths shut, they'd be perfect.") 30. Boston Brahmins 31. Other speakers on stereotypes--reasons for exaggeration (Boston Italian North End--no r's, etc.)--advantages ("The women, they eat it up" and "Guys are intimidated") 32. Black English--necessary for relating? ("I don't want my boys sounding like white males.") ("She a school girl instead of a mama girl.") 33. Pride in regional variation 34. Fred G. Cassidy--don't spoil communication 35. Attitudes 36. Credits