Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 13:44:59 -0600 From: Cynthia Bernstein Subject: Re: Dialect tapes See Ken Haley's "Some Complexities in Speech Identification" in the Fall 1990 issue of _The SECOL Review_. He reports that elderly adults more often than children are misidentified (whites identified as black or blacks as white) and that whites are more likely than blacks to misidentify the speaker's ethnicity. Cynthia Bernstein Dept. of English Auburn University, AL 36849-5203 On Fri, 15 Dec 1995, Tom Murray wrote: > Does anyone know of any good audio recordings that can be used to highlight the > fact that the initial judgments we make about people--their ethnicity, SEC, et > c.--when we can hear but not see them are often false? When I was in graduate > school at Indiana in the late '70s and early '80s, one of my professors had a r > eel-to-reel tape of about 30 speakers, black and white, various SECs, that made > this point beautifully; but when I queried her recently, she said the tape had > been used so much that it eventually wore out. I'll be grateful for any sugge > stions. Thanks in advance. > > --Tom Murray >