Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 03:35:15 -0500 From: Margaret Ronkin Subject: Re: het/heated In a narrative that I recently collected for a class assignment, my 73-year-old mother used as the past tense form of in "And I found myself getting all het up about that". She grew up in the Sacramento Valley (where her family settled during the Gold Rush) and claims to have learned the usage from elderly relatives of Scots-English descent as a child. Rather than attributing this form to geography alone, she and I were under the impression that the Scots- English in the US retained it at least up to her generation. --Maggie On Sun, 17 Dec 1995, Rudy Troike wrote: > In response to a posting a while back by Jeutonne Brewer re her > mother-in-law's use of as the past tense of (clearly different > from the Pennsylvania usage of Dickmeyer), I recall what seemingly was once a common South Midland (and > Southern?) expression "Don't get all het [=heated] up about it." I don't > know if this was included in the LAGS survey. Clearly we've lost a good > strong verb form. > Rudy > --Rudy Troike (rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] >