Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 20:42:26 -0500 From: Ronald Butters Subject: Re: ADS annual meeting - tape recorder? Dennis has a great idea here--I say, "Let's hear Miklops!" (erstwhile Miklos). On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Dennis R. Preston wrote: > > Allan, > Could I recommend that Miklops Kontra, who is in the country and coming to > the meeting, be substituted for Silke? He is currently very much involved > with the preservation of Hungarian (and anti-Hungarian laws) outside > Hungary. It would fit nicely with our endangerment program and would not > require any program shuffling. I am sure he can be recruited. > Just a suggestion. > Dennis > > > > >Is anyone planning to bring a tape recorder to the ADS annual meeting in > >Chicago next week? > > > >If it is a recorder with decent sound quality and volume to use in a medium > >sized meeting room, I would like to borrow it to use with Sali Tagliamonte > >and Shana Poplack's paper Friday afternoon, Dec. 29, approx 4:45 to 5:05 pm. > >They are the only ones who have requested this particular kind of AV > >equipment, and we could save trouble and expense by borrowing one you happen > >to bring. > > > >In return for the savings, you'd get a FREE LUNCH at our annual luncheon > >Saturday the 30th, Virginia McDavid speaking. > > > >You can reply directly to me rather than the whole list. > > > >One cancellation to our program, by the way: Silke Van Ness will not be able > >to attend to give her talk on Pennsylvania German at 3:30 pm Friday the 29th. > >So the schedule for other talks may be adjusted slightly. > > > >See you all in Chicago, I hope! - Allan Metcalf, ADS executive secretary >