Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995 09:25:42 -0400 From: "Bethany K. Dumas, U of Tennessee" Subject: Re: WORD(s) OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS Well, Natalie, you must have been posting your message just as I posted my query asking what was going on in Chicago! Thanks. Here are my responses: > NOMINATIONS: My Comments: > > MOST USEFUL > brownfield never heard it > E.Q. never heard it > meme never heard it > > MOST UNNECESSARY > montanabahn never heard it > Generation Y okay, I can go with this > Vanna White shrimp don't know what it means > > MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED > www I don't know anybody who says "www" (but I know people who say "World Wide Web" or "Web") > corporate welfare No. (I hear "corporate greed" more often.) > hello? Not new -- but certainly widespread. > MOST ORIGINAL > postal (to go postal) Okay. > cybrarian Never heard it > spamming That's been around for a while, folks, at least two years. (Didn't I vote for it last year?) > MOST OUTRAGEOUS > newt (v) My nomination for WOTY (I don't find it at all outrageous.) > astroturf This word is at least two decades old! > starter marriage Haven't heard it > MOST EUPHEMISTIC > 24-7 ??? > home meal replacement never heard it > patriot ??? > > WORD OF THE YEAR > go postal Yes. > www See above comment Bethany K. Dumas, J.D., Ph.D. | Applied Linguistics, Language & Law Dep't of English, UT, Knoxville | EMAIL: dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] 415 McClung Tower | (423) 974-6965 | FAX (423) 974-6926 Knoxville, TN 37996-0430 | See Webpage at