Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995 09:47:49 -0500 From: Jeutonne Brewer Subject: Re: WORD(s) OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS At 02:09 PM 12/29/95 GMT, you wrote: >Here's your chance to be with us in Chicago. If you send your comments >by about 4 p.m. CST, they will be read at the meeting late this afternoon >before the big vote. You can send them to me directly or post them on >ADS-L. I'll check mail around 4 or 4:30. And of course I'll send you >the results sometime tonight. > --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] > >NOMINATIONS: > >MOST USEFUL >brownfield Never heard it. Don't know what it means. >E.Q. Never heard it. Don't know what it means. >meme Never heard it. Don't know what it means. > >MOST UNNECESSARY >montanabahn Never heard it. Think it fits in the useful category to describe our highways without speed limits. >Generation Y Never heard it. Not very original for the generation between X and (presumably) Z which is next in line. >Vanna White shrimp Never heard it. Don't know what it means. > >MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED >www Like Bethany I hear/read World Wide Web, often shortened to Web >corporate welfare Like this one. It should succeed. Was "widely" used last year, perhaps even earlier >hello? Don't understand why this is in the list > >MOST ORIGINAL >postal (to go postal) Agree that this one is original >cybrarian Haven't heard it, but I like it >spamming Think this one is old news > >MOST OUTRAGEOUS >newt (v) Not outrageous. I like it. >astroturf This is as old as the Astrodome in Houston >starter marriage Never heard it > >MOST EUPHEMISTIC >24-7 Never heard it. Don't know what it means. >home meal replacement Never heard it. Don't know what it means. >patriot Don't know what it means. Must have a new meaning to be included here. > >WORD OF THE YEAR >go postal I can agree with this. It is original. >www Perhaps it goes with Information Superhighway from last year. "Go postal" is more original. ************************************************** * jpbrewer[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] * * Department of English * * University of North Carolina at Greensboro * * Greensboro, NC 17412 * * brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] * * brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] * * brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] * **************************************************