End of ADS-L Digest - 29 Dec 1995 to 30 Dec 1995 ************************************************ There is one message totalling 43 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. And The Winners Are... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 12:20:48 -0600 From: Cynthia Bernstein Subject: Re: And The Winners Are... I loved this story because it shows what I see as the real function of WOTY nominations--getting people thinking and talking about words. Happy New Year! Cynthia Bernstein Dept. of English Auburn University, AL 36849-5203 On Sat, 30 Dec 1995, Bethany Dumas, UTK wrote: > I see a problem this year that I was not aware of last year. When I saw the > list of nominees, I assumed (I realize now) that we were referencing SPOKEN > words --hence my objection to words like "www." I think in the future we > might want to devise some way to recognize both prined words and spoken > words, sometimes in separate categories. > > I regret that "hello?" did not get some recognition. I heard a great example > of its use this morning in (horse-)jumping lesson. Terry finished her round, and > Deb, the instructor, started giving Sara instructions. It became clear that > Sarah was hlaf asleep and not listening. Deb stopped, then said, > "Sara, it's your round. HELLO???" > > I then explained that that was a nominee in the WOTY contest, etc. So we > stopped to define words, then resumed jumping. > > Great Saturday morning activity! The sun was shining and the temp. was about > 40. (That's part of the reason I was not in Chicago.) > > Looking forward to ADS w/LSA in 1997! > > Thanks for all the good work, especially from you, Natalie. > > Bethany >