Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 10:19:58 -0600 From: wachal robert s Subject: Re: Berliner; pancake turners, spatulas, scrapers; slider I've always called those rubber-ended things used to scrape out bowls a "spatula". The utensil used in diners to spread butter onto toast is something I did not encounter until adulthood. it strikes me as another kind of spatula, perhaps the "true" one. There are lunar-shaped objects of plastic that can be used to scrape out bowls. Surely these are "scrapers" and not "spatuulas". The diner type is also called a "sandwich spreader". According to some food dictionaries, the term "spatula" may be used to refer to all of the objects under discussion. Sorry that I have been unable to get to St. Donatus to check out sliders first hand. Bob Wachal