Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 11:30:21 -0500 From: Gregory {Greg} Downing Subject: Re: TODAY'S NYTIMES At 10:01 AM 12/1/97 -0500, you (Carol Andrus) wrote: >There's an editorial today in the Times on "Collecting Three Centuries of >American Slang" reviewing the Random Hse. Dict. of American Slang. > The following is the URL that got me the article on the Times website. If that doesn't work, do a site-search and enter "slang" -- your only "hit" will be the article in question. Do it today; "NYTimes online" does not seem to archive articles, but only keeps a selection of current-day articles on the website: ++%28slang%29%20OR%20%28%29%20OR%20%28%29 Author is Verlyn Klinkenborg. Gregory {Greg} Downing, at greg.downing[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] or downingg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]