Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 23:24:13 EST From: Bapopik Subject: Gravegate; Judas Q. Priest; Sidewalk Santas; Glass Ceiling, YAP(Yuppie) GRAVEGATE Today's (Saturday, Dec. 6) New York Post refers to the Arlington cemetery mess as "Gravegate." C'mon, you saw this coming a mile away! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- JUDAS Q. PRIEST These Judas Q. Priest postings on ADS-L are very distressing to me. I posted--RIGHT HERE!--the earliest citations anywhere of both Judas Q. Priest and John Q. Public. The later was posted less than 30 days ago. No one remembers?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- SIDEWALK SANTAS More stuff and an earlier citation! Newsweek of 27 December 1976, "Enter Krishna Kringle," pg. 26, has "Sidewalk Santa Claus" and "Krishna Santa." These Santas called out, "Ho, ho, ho, Hare Krishna!" The New York Times Magazine, 2 December 1956, "Wanted: Santa Clauses," has "Santa Clausing" on page 74, col. 2, and "department-store Santas" on page 77, col. 2. A further check of the Volunteers of America's VOLUNTEER GAZETTE shows: December 1950, Volunteer Gazette, pg. 3. The headline is: "STREET CORNER SANTAS. When the Volunteers of America Kris Kringle Makes His Appearance, Can Christmas Be Far Behind?" December 1951, Volunteer Gazette, cover. "Sidewalk Santa Claus." December 1955, Volunteer Gazette, pg. 2. "(About the cover.) A Volunteers of America Sidewalk Santa--John Matson when he's not helping out the real St. Nicholas--mans his chimney at Rockefeller Center, New York City." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- GLASS CEILING I checked WORKING WOMAN and also MS. (on which I ran out of time today before hitting 1986). Mary Cunningham wrote a 1984 book called POWERPLAY: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT BENDIX. I didn't see "glass ceiling" in it. In March 1984, WORKING WOMAN did a feature article called, "Women in Corporations: just how far have we come?" It did NOT have "glass ceiling." Thus, we can probably conclude that "glass ceiling" hadn't been coined--or it would have been mentioned here. The January 1986 issue had, "1986 Salary Survey/ Break Through Your Salary Ceiling!" Still not here!! October 1986 was a special issue dedicated to "The Year of the Corporate Woman." This article was on pages 107-109: Cracks in the Glass Ceiling How Women Really Are Faring In Corporate America by Julia Kagan The naysayers are at it again--from last March's special _Wall Street Journal_ section on corporate women telling us women have hit the glass ceiling and can go no futher (Gotta check the WSJ, but that's in SIBL and Working Woman was in, oh never mind!--ed.) to the July '86 _Inc._ magazine cover story proclaiming that few entrepreneurial women are equipped to make it big in businesses of their own. (...) When we wrote about them in April 1985, we called them the Breakthrough Generation. (...) (I didn't see "glass ceiling" there, but I'll recheck--ed.) A related story on page 110 is "The Glass House Dilemma/ Why Women Executives Dare Not Fail." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- YAP (YUPPIE) This is from WORKING WOMAN, March 1984, pg. 122: YAP: IT'S MORE THAN PAY SPELLED BACKWARDS Remember when success wasn't something you dressed for? When people ate Sunday dinner instead of brunch? When the fast track was for express trains? Well, those days are as dead as the era of dashikis and long hair. Walk around at lunchtime in any fair-sized city in America, and chances are you'll find yourself surrounded by Young Aspiring Professionals (YAPs), who are fast becoming the emblem of the 80s. (In fact, you might even be a YAP yourself.) by C. E. Crimmins What's all this about YAPs you may have been hearing lately? Well, typical YAPs are 25 to 40 years old, well educated, well motivated, well dressed and well exercised. You may be one yourself. Try taking the YQ (Yap Quotient) test to see how fast you've tracked to YAPpiness. (...) YAP borrows from JAP (Jewish American Princess) as well as YIP (Youth International Party). It's "PAY" spelled backwards! Perhaps some people didn't like the fact that "YAP" also means someone who talks a lot. So it got changed to--yes--"YUP" (Young Urban Professional). The earliest "yuppie" citations are in January 1984, but if this article appeared in the March 1984 monthly, it was on the stands in February 1984 and written in either January 1984 or December 1983. Time to hit the old Nexis for "YAP."