Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 20:32:03 -0500 From: Jody Subject: Can't we all just get along? I don't like to throw any more sparks into the already burning flame about posts from non-professionals, but I feel that a few things definitely need to be said. First and foremost, I am a "non-professional," an undergraduate student if you will, and I find it disturbing that any so-called "professional" individual would even bother arguing back and forth with someone else about most of the matters that appear on this list. There have been instances in which I have logged into my email only to find these darts being thrown from BOTH directions. Certainly, some of these non-prof's need to watch what they say and choose words as well as general questions wisely, but let the same forewarning go out to all of the professionals. Thank you, Beverly, for pointing out that we are not all in the wrong or out of place in subscribing to a list such as this one. I would venture to say that there are very few who have only posted what he/she has deemed truly worth reading to the general ADS audience. It seems to me that most everyone has wasted a certain number of precious kilobytes in the posting of unnecessary, even ignorant (dare I say it?) information. Professionals and non-professionals alike SHOULD be a member of this list, if they so choose. But it is the responsibility of both parts to maintain a civil interaction so that the educational aspects can come through and leave behind the bickering. Professionals, beware of your tongue-lashing, we're just trying to get to where you are in life. Careful, or you may scare us all away. Non-professionals, use your noggin. Don't post haphazardly, and don't give these professional individuals with whom we interact a reason to hide from us. Thank you, Jody \\|// ( 0-0 ) -----.ooo0--(_)--0ooo.----- Joseph Charles Streible, Jr. ====> "Jody" jcstre01[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Morehead State University .ooo0 ------( )-----0ooo.------ \ ( ( ) \_) ) / (_/