Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 09:52:01 -0500 From: mmcdaniel Subject: Re: Posts from non-professionals I think the key to posting on any list is careful consideration. Whether someone is a student or a professional, he or she should consider the following when about to post: 1. Am I _reacting_ or _responding_? 2. Do I really have knowledge of this topic, or just an interest? 3. Am I insulting someone else? 4. Am I saying something of value to the list, or do I just like to see my own posts? Your responses to these questions should not necessarily keep you from making your post, but rather help you shape your post so that it benefits the list as much as possible. I am a magazine editor with an interest in linguistics. I tend to lurk and not post; I use the list to learn, mostly. I never post about pronunciation or etymology because I am not knowledgeable in those areas. I ask questions when I need answers, I respond to "have you ever heard..." posts, and I submit opinions when I believe mine is as valid as any other list member. I hope ADS-L will remain open to non-ADS members such as myself. I like Susanmarie's ideas for the list. I once belonged to a list that was automatically open to a certain group (ophthalmologists); anyone who was not an ophthalmologist (I do medical editing, among other things) had to apply to the moderator. If someone posted inappropriately, he or she could be removed by the moderator. Hope these thoughts help. Matthew McDaniel