Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 03:14:49 EST From: Bapopik Subject: Sand Nigger Sorry about the title, but that's what this posting's about. I was at NYU recently, and I saw these protesters. This is from today's New York Post, 16 December 1997, "Distorting D'Souza," pg. 36, col. 2: The protesters' major obsession was (Dinesh) D'Souza's book, "The End of Racism," in which he attacked the prevailing liberal orthodoxy on racial issues. These self-important race warriors didn't hesitate to brand D'Souza--who is of Indian ancestry--a "sand nigger." This is certainly a wicked word, but it's not in Hugh Rawson's 1989 book. Anne H. Soukhanov's new SPEAKING FREELY implies that the term originated during the Gulf War. A Usenet check unfortunately shows a bunch of hits. One poster defined "sand nigger" as "Arab." This is the first time I've heard it applied to someone of Indian descent.