Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 19:56:34 -0500 From: Gerald Cohen Subject: Re: "wig out" Until David Bergdahl's query about "wig out" a few days ago I had never come across this term. Now I see it in print in the newspaper _USA Today_, Dec. 22, 1997, sec. B, p.9/1-4; article title: "Microsoft Case Gets Mired In Jargon:" "...'Microsoft is really hoping that people who don't understand the complexity will wig out,' says Brett Glass, a computer programmer and consultant for _InfoWorld_. 'They're trying to tie things into a knot....'" The meaning of "wig out" here seems to be: "tune out mentally (because of mind-boggling complexity)." This, however, is evidently not the meaning of "wig out" as used by African-Americans; see my ads-l message of 12/21/97 quoting from Clarence Major's dictionary _From Juba to Jive_. If the speaker of the quote above (Brett Glass) is not African-American, we would see here the spread of "wig out" from a purely AA context with an apparent change of meaning. Whether this new usage takes hold remains to be seen. --Gerald Cohen gcohen[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]