End of ADS-L Digest - 21 Dec 1997 to 22 Dec 1997 ************************************************ Subject: ADS-L Digest - 22 Dec 1997 to 23 Dec 1997 There are 11 messages totalling 823 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Canuck (Is there a Proto-Algonquian scholar in the house??) 2. "wig out" (6) 3. ADS-L RETURNED MAIL 4. wig out (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 03:23:03 EST From: Bapopik Subject: Canuck (Is there a Proto-Algonquian scholar in the house??) This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --part0_882865386_boundary Content-ID: <0_882865386[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]inet_out.mail.aol.com.1> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII --part0_882865386_boundary Content-ID: <0_882865386[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]inet_out.mail.aol.com.2> Content-type: message/rfc822 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Content-disposition: inline From: Bapopik Return-path: To: frasers[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]the-wire.com Subject: Canuck Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 03:18:58 EST Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com) Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Minus the Algonquian. I'll get through this in 15 minutes this weekend, no problem. --Barry Popik AG=American Glossary ADD=American Dialect Dictionary DA=Dictionary of Americanisms DAE=Dictionary of American English DARE=Dictionary of American Regional English DCHP=Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles OEDS=Oxford English Dictionary, Supplement POPIK=Barry Popik (original material, not contained in any of these dictionaries) RHHDAS=Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang (1774 E. Long HIST. JAMAICA II III iii. 424 s.v., masquerader...dances at every doot, bellowing out _John Connu!_) OEDS (1812 Vaux VOCAB. _Knuck_, _knuckler_, or _knuckling cove_, a pickpocket.) OEDS, RHHDAS 1835 Todd NOTES UPON CANADA 92, Jonathan distinguishes a Dutch or a French Canadian, by the term _Kanuk_. DA, DARE, OEDS, RHHDAS (1838 Parker EXPLORING TOUR 354, The Sandwich islanders, or kanakas, as the common people are called, have less activity of mind and body than the Indians of our continent.) DA 1839 NEW YORK TIMES & COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, 1 Oct. 2/2. The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of Friday says:--For the last twenty-four hours we have experienced a strong "Northwestern," which has filled our harbor with with (sic) vessels of every description from the lubberly, uncouth "Cannuck" schooner, fifty tons, to the magnificent steamboat of five hundred. Those boats which left for the west yesterday, are reported to have made good the harbors of Erie and Dunkirk--and we have heard of no disaster except that the Cincinnati, a small boat running to the falls, is ashore on the Canadian side opposite Black Rock. POPIK 1840 BOSTON TRANSCRIPT 7 Feb. 2/1, The French-Canadian--or _Conuck_, as Her Majesty's provincial subjects of English and American extraction sometimes call him--can never, by any means be induced to lay "aside the adominable practice" (or smoking and chewing in church). DA, RHHDAS 1840 MACKENZIE'S GAZETTE (Rochester, N.Y.) 24 Oct. 24/3, Extract of a letter in the New York Era, dated Montreal, Sept. 11, 1840...I endeavored to persuade him that one of the objections made against Mr. Van Buren would apply to Gen. Harrison, as the latter had beaten their army at Fort Meigs. He said that story would'nt (sic) go down among the "Kennucks," and insisted upon it, offering to bet any wager he could prove that Harrison never did any injury to the British in his life! POPIK 1841 UNCLE SAM'S LARGE ALMANAC FOR 1842 25/1-2, The refugees from the troubles of the Northern colony have brought with them a name, which, being the result of an effort to pronounce their country and their history in one word, has come out Connucks...--_Journal of Commerce_ (N.Y.). POPIK (1843 NEW ORLEANS PICAYUNE 5 December 2/4, CANADA...The St. Catharine Journal states that there is serious trouble among the Irish laborers along the line of the Welland canal...A few days since a fracas occurred between the Corkonians and Connaught men...) POPIK 1845 NEW ORLEANS PICAYUNE 29 August 1/6, A lively correspondent of the Boston Atlas gives the following description of a fashionable _soiree_ at the Sault Ste. Marie:...Such a motley group I do not believe was ever before seen;--there were French, Canucks, Yankees and half-breeds. POPIK 1846 Stewart ALTOWAN 191, The Cannackers, as they were commonly called, set themselves quietly about reviving their fire. DAE, DARE (1848 BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE 16 May 2/3, In the year 1835, I left the frontier settlement of the mighty west, and established a trading post on one of the tributaries of the great father of waters, among the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamie Indians....I filled a pipe with Kinnaknick and offered it to him.) POPIK 1849 J. E. Alexander L' ARCADIE I. xvi. 273, Come boys and have some grog, I'm what you call a canuck. DCHP, OEDS, RHHDAS 1849 AMHERSTBURG COURIER & WESTERN DISTRICT ADVERTISER, 8 Sept. 3/2, It seems that Eastwood, who was in every respect an exemplary soldier, and was about to be transferred to the Royal Canadian Rifles, occupied the same room with Smith, and was finding fault with him, at seven o'clock on Thursday morning for making a disturbance during the night. Upon this, Smith became very insolent, and said, he was glad they were going to get rid or Eastwood, as he was going into the b----y Cannucks. POPIK 1855 Whitman LEAVES OF GRASS 29, Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. RHHDAS 1855 KNICKERB. XLV April 341, (Giving) our donkey into the keeping of a lively _Canuck_,...we commence the slow ascent (of Mt. Holyoke). AG, DAE, OEDS 1857 KNICKERB. XLIX Jan. 40, My grandfather got fifty (old French crowns) at once from a _Kanuck_ in trading. AG 1860 Holland MISS GILBERT'S CAREER ii. 29, I'll hang on the tail of it and try legs with that little Kanuck of his. DA, OEDS 1861 CANADIAN NATURALIST Dec. 432, I must add that it is somewhat supported...by the analogy of another term, namely _Canuc_, which is used vulgarly and rather contempuously for Canadian, and which seems to me to come from _Canuchsa_, the word employed by the Iroquois to denote a "hut." Here _Canadian_ would mean a "townsman" or "villager," but a _canuc_ would be only a "hutter." DCHP 1862 CONG. GLOBE 29 April 1867/3, They went...from St. Louis to Canada to buy the little Canuck ponies at $130 apiece. AG, DA, DAE, OEDS 1862 HARPER'S WEEKLY 5 July 432, (cartoon) LITTLE JOHNNY KANUCK. "Look here, Papa, you said if I'd abuse UNCLE SAM, you'd take my part when he came over to whip me." PAPA JOHN BULL. "Ah! bu that was before the rascal got his _Monitors_ and _Parrott Guns_. You must take care of yourself, young man." LITTLE JOHNNY KANUCK (_crying_). "Oh! oh! oh!" POPIK 1870 CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS 4 June 483/3, (poem) The Campaign of O'Neil the Brave...From their bould determination/ To make Canucks bite the dust/ And when you meet the Canuck knaves/ Cut up a thunderin' shindy... POPIK 1870 CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS 11 June 499/3, (poem) Uncle Sam and His Boys...But they fled like darned cowards/ Before the Canuck bands,/ And here am I, with all the crew/ Again upon my hands! POPIK 1871 De Vere AMERICANISMS 589, _Canacks_, _Canucks_, and even _K'nucks_, are slang terms by which Canadians are known in the United States. DAE, RHHDAS 1871 CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS 22 July 64, (cartoon) JOHNNY CANUCK'S IDEA OF IT. JONATHAN.--"I say, Johnny, your ma says I may fish in your pond, if you like." JOHNNY.--"Well! but I don't like!" POPIK 1873 Beadle UNDEVEL. WEST xxxiii. 711, The Yankee shudders as he thinks of the hard fate of the "Canucks" and "Blue-noses" of British America. DAE 1881-82 Howells MODERN INSTANCE 119, And Fridays I make up a sort of chowder for the Kanucks; they're Catholics, you know. RHHDAS 1883 MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY Nov. 433/2, KANUCK--_Editor Magazine of American History_: Can you, or your readers, inform me as to what is the origin of the word _Kanuck_? TORONTO. OCTOBER 1, 1883. POPIK 1884 HARPER'S MAGAZINE LXIX June 125, The crews were carefully chosen; a "Kanuck," or French Canadian, at the oar or the "cordelle," the rope used to haul a boat up-stream. AG, DA, OEDS 1884 BOSTON GLOBE 7 Oct. 4/2, A Pickpocket from "Kanuck." Inspectors Burke and Knox arrested Joseph P. Porrier, a Frenchman, for picking pockets on Washington street...He says he belongs in Quebec, Canada. POPIK 1886 TORONTO CANUCKS (name of new baseball franchise in International League 1886-87, Association 1888-1890; disbanded, but new franchise with same name in Eastern League 1896-1900, renamed Toronto Royals in 1901). POPIK 1886 LIFE 13 May 272/2, CANOEING IN KANUCKIA. By Charles Ledyard Norton and John Habberton. Illustrated. G. P. Putnam's Sons. POPIK 1886 BROOKLYN DAILY TIMES 21 May 1/2, (titles) GOING FOR THE KANUCKS. /THE ADMINISTRATION ATTACK THE FISHERIES PROBLEM. POPIK 1886 PAP. MIL. HIST. SOC. MASS. XIII 27, They were...generally "Canucks," as the Canada horse is called. RHHDAS 1887 GRIP 19 Feb. 3/2, Who'll buy my caller herrin'?/Cod, turbot, ling, delicious herrin',/Buy my caller herrin',/They're every one Kanucks! DCHP 1887 GRIP 5 March 1/2, Well, what do you think of the Canuck elections? DCHP 1887 WASHINGTON POST 16 March 2/1, And the shrewd Kanuck would then float his catch outside the three-mile limit, and there, in the open sea, would sell it to the Yankee skipper with none to molest or make him afraid. POPIK 1888 C. D. Ferguson, EXP. FORTY-NINER ii. 23, I have often since thought it would be a good way to advertise horses...for certainly no frontier town ever saw a grander sight than those four Canucks. DA, DAE 1888 DOMINION ILLUSTRATED 199/1 (heading), Canuckiana. DCHP 1889 OUTING Mar. 505 (heading), Snowshoeing in Canuckia. DA 1889 Barrere & Leland DICT. SLANG I 224, _Canuck_ (American), a Canadian. The origin of this word appears to be unknown. The derivation from _Connaught_, an Irishman, is far-fetched and doubtful. It may be possibly the first syllable of _Can_ada, with an Indian termination, but this is mere conjecture. _Uc_ or _uq'_ is a common Algenkin ending to nouns. It is probably an Indian word modified. RHHDAS 1889 Donkin TROOPER & REDSKIN 148, But for pure and unadulterated brag I will back the lower class Canuck against the world. DCHP 1890 NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE (N.Y.) 16 August 2/2, McKee Rankin produced "The Canuck," a four-act play, at the Bijou Theatre last week, and thereby set the theatrical ball in motion in New York, after a summer of extraordinary silliness. McKee Rankin, the hero of the play, a French Canadian, has a daughter who runs away and gets married to a man who already has a wife...The scene of "The Canuck" transpire in Vermont, New York and Canada...Wilton Lackaye impersonates a metropolitan sport of the day, in a blonde wig and a curling mustache. His slang phrases, "cuckoo," "bird," "lala," "daisy," caught the boys, and his eyes mashed the girls. POPIK 1891 Farmer-Henley SLANG 23, _Canack_, _Canuck_, _Kanuck_, _K'nuck_,...A Canadian, usually a _K'nuck_. DARE, F-H, RHHDAS 1892 Wentworth ADD 94, (Kans.) Chenuk=a Canadian. Note pron. (sic) Carruth. ADD 1892 Bierce BEETLES 28, I reckon when a man is too tough for the Canuck police he is tough enough for you to tackle. RHHDAS 1895 CENTURY MAG. Sept. 674/2, That would be convenient over the line among the Canucks. DAE, OEDS 1897 Howels LANDLORD AT LION'S HEAD (1908) vii. 30, "What's that?" "It's that Canuck chopping in Whitwell's clearing." DAE 1898 LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE Jan. 131, (short story) CANUCK AND RAOUL....He looks about fourteen, and is called "C'nuck," in reference, I suppose, to his Canadian origin. POPIK 1898 (1967) Lefolii CANDIAN LOOK 13 (caption), Uncle Sam to Jack Canuck--"I hate to see any of the folks leaving home. But when they _do_ go I like to see 'em go to Canada where they'll feel at home and get square treatment. DCHP 1900 NORTH AMERICAN NOTES & QUERIES July 64/1, I would very much like to know the origin of the expression Canuck applied to the French Canadians. DCHP 1902 CANADIAN MAGAZINE (various cartoons), Jack Canuck and John Bull from the Toronto Daily Star, March 1902 pg. 477; Brother Jonathan mentions Jack Canuck from the Toronto World, April 1902, pg. 570; Jack Canuck from the Toronto Star and Jack Canuck from the Toronto World, pages 476-477, March 1903; et al. POPIK 1904 H. F. Day KIN O' KTAADN 145, "Roule, roulant, maboule roulant," it's all Canuck but a good song. OEDS 1905 DIALECT NOTES 3.7 (eCT), _Cunnuck_, _Canuck_, or _Knuck_....A Canadian. DARE 1907 Kennedy NEW CANADA 192, "And don't you want to be Americans any longer?" I asked. "No," said they most emphatically, "we're Canucks now." DCHP 1907 N.Y. EVE. POST 22 April 6, Polacks and Canucks have taken the places of most of the old-time American woodsmen in the Adirondacks. DAE 1907 BOSTON HERALD 2 June 2/4-6, (title) THE SNOWSHOE COURT THAT DISCOURAGED JOHNNIE CANUCK. (caption) How the Majesty of the Law Was Brought Home to Johnny Canuck. POPIK 1907 DIALECT NOTES 3.183 (seNH), _Canuck_...A French Canadian. _ibid_ 242 (eME), _Canuck_...A French-Canadian. DARE 1908 Beach BARRIER 28, I reckon when a man is too tough for the Canuck police he is tough enough for you to tackle. RHHDAS 1908 OBSERVER (Cowansville, Que.) 1 Oct. 1/6, The Toronto Globe has a cartoon wherein Jack Canuck is walking arm in arm with Laurier and saying, "I like to walk with a man who can set the pace for me." DCHP 1909 Cameron NEW NORTH 260, Failing any or all of these (desired trade goods), it was in vain that the Factor displayed before them the wares of John Bull, Uncle Sam, or Johnny Canuck, or any seductive lure made in Germany. DCHP 1910 Haydon RIDERS OF PLAINS 113, "Thar ain't no Johnny Canuck kin arrest me." DCHP 1910 T. E. Lawrence LETTERS 17 Dec. (1954) 121, The three Canuck priests. OEDS 1910 N.Y. EVE. JOURNAL 28 Mar. 10, The Yanks...itched to put it all over the Canucks. RHHDAS 1912 Roe WHISPERING HILLS 39, On the face of the swarthy Canuck guide who sat in the stern there was a weary contempt. DCHP 1914 AMER. LUMBERMAN 25 Apr. 33, But Joe, the Cook, a French Canuck/Said, "Paul, I tink it is ze luck." RHHDAS 1917 C. Matthewson SEC. BASE SLOAN xviii. 243 La Croix was a thick-set, hook- nosed Canuck. DAE 1917 VANCOUVER DAILY SUN 9 Nov. 3/5-7, (ad) Only "Canuck" Could Have Done It...Canuck Shot Shells...Dominion Cartridge Co., Limited, Montreal. POPIK 1918 LIT. DIGEST 20 April 80, The _poilu_, the Tommy, the Canuck, the Anzac. RHHDAS 1923 AERIAL AGE January 44/2, (ad) The "CANUCK"/a good plane at a right price/Everything for Canucks, JN4s and OX5 Motors/ERICSON AIRCRAFT LIMITED, 120 King E., Toronto, Canada. POPIK 1925 J. O'Hara SEL LETTERS 14, I to appear on your graduation day of thereabouts and force you into the Canuck trip by appealing to your sporting blood or something. RHHDAS 1926 Wentworth ADD 94, (Maine) =French Canadian. Obsolesc. ADD 1926 DIALECT NOTES 5.386 (ME), _Canuck_ (accent on second syl.), French- Canadian, obsol. DARE 1930 Irwin AMER. TRAMP 47, _Canuck,_--In the United States, any Canadian; properly, in Canada, a French-Canadian. DARE 1933-34 "Max Brand" MT. RIDERS 8, A peevish Canuck one day threw an axe at him. RHHDAS 1934 Wentworth ADD 94, Slang. In U. S. often=any Canadian; in Canada=only French Canadian. Web. ADD 1938 Holbrook MACKINAW 95, By the time Michigan timber was petering out, Scandinavians were as numerous as Canucks. RHHDAS 1938 AMER. SPEECH Apr. 156, _Canuck_, a Canadian Curtis plane. RHHDAS 1939 Wolcott YANKEE COOK BOOK 339 (NEng.), The ritual (of maple sugaring) begins... Father and the hired man and Uncle John and Allie from back of the mountain, the Coffin boys and Pops Talley and Jean, the Canuck, bore and hang, estimate the run, hazard weather predicitions--there is no lack of willing hands during the sapping season. DARE 1941 DIME COMICS (first appearance of Johnny Canuck, the eponymous strongman hero created by artist Leo Bachle). POPIK 1942 ME Univ. STUDIES 56.12, Canadian French were Canucks; South Sea islanders, especially Hawaiians, were kanakas, a name quite unrelated to Canuck. DARE 1946 VANCOUVER CANUCKS (name of new Western Hockey League franchise that joined the National Hockey League in 1970). POPIK 1947 DeVoto ACROSS WIDE MISSOURI 197, They chattered...and mingled with the halfbreeds of all tribes and their dear friends the Yankees, Canucks, Mexicans, and Kanakas. DA 1953 Berrey & Van Den Bark AMERICAN THESAURUS OF SLANG, 3rd ed. pg. 48: CANADA. Canuckland, Kanuckland, Jack Canuck's country, Land of the Bing Boys, Land of the Pea-Souper. pg. 188: FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Canuck, Kanuck, _French-Canadian_. pg. 346: CANADIAN. Bing Boy. _Spec._ Canuck, Jack Canuck, Kanuck, _esp. a French-Canadian_. 1953 Roche HOCKEY BOOK xvii, There were baseball, football & lacrosse game during other seasons, but in winter there was nothing but idleness for red- blooded, sports-loving Johnny Canucks. DCHP 1954 Boehm RAID (film), "I'm Canadian." "We'll take Canucks." RHHDAS 1957 CANADIAN RED CROSS JUNIOR Nov. 17, John comes into many nicknames, here are a few of them, John Bull...Johnny Canuck, a Canadian soldier, and Johnny Raw, a new recruit. DCHP 1958 McCulluoch WOODS WORDS 29 (Pacific NW), _Canucker_--A logger from north of the border. DARE 1958 (1971) Kerouac SUBTERRANEANS 5, I am a Canuck, I could not speak English till I was 6 or 6, at 16 I spoke with a halting accent. DARE 1959 VT HIST. new ser. 27.129 (nVT), Canuck...French Canadian. DARE 1959 MACLEAN'S 1 Aug. 1/2, Millions of Asians, Africans and Europeans who'll never see a travelling hockey team or a cartoon of Johnny Canuck, have only one image: the men and women of our foreign service. DCHP 1963 GLOBE AND MAIL 2 Feb. 6/1, Any trend by the big brother to the south to tell Canadians how to run their affairs can raise Canuck dander very quickly. DCHP 1963 CITIZEN 30 May 12/5, What is the origin of the nickname Jack Canuck? It probably comes from the name Connaught, the nickname given more than 100 years ago by French Canadians to Canadians of Irish origin. DCHP 1964 CANADA MONTH Jan. 38/2, That's the spirit of USA which Johnny Canuck will never catch up with. DCHP 1964 CALGARY HERALD 19 March 18/6, The Scottish skip missed a wide open takeout in the fifth leaving the Canucks another single. OEDS 1965 H. Gold MAN WHO WAS NOT WITH IT xxvi. 249, _Bon jour, Grack, tu viens enfin_? That's Canuck for you ain't been a son to your ma. OEDS 1965 Linakis IN SPRING 34, This didn't include limeys and canucks. RHHDAS 1965-1970 DARE (Qu. HH28) 165 Infs (chiefly Nth, esp. NEast), Canuck; (MA45) French Canuck; (CT23) French-Canadian Canuck. DARE 1967 Lefolii CANADIAN LOOK 10/3, As far as I know, Johnny made his first appearance as a cartoon character in an 1869 copy of Grinchuckle (pg. 12), a new Montreal journal that billed itself as "a magazine of mirth and opinion." The cartoonist had already translated Johnny into a Western hat and vaguely British field uniform and used him as a symbol for young Canadians regardless of language. DCHP 1968-70 DARE Tape (CA) 103, This lady...is a Canuck. You know who a Canuck is? (FW:) No. (INF:) A Canadian; (MI121) Quite a few of the new settlers came from Ontario--Canadians--Canucks we called 'em. DARE 1969 DARE FW (Addit. VT), I can call myself a Canuck, but you'd better not call me one. DARE 1970 M. Orkin SPEAKING CANADIAN ENGLISH 68, The early Canadianisms which have remained are deeply embedded in our history..._Canuck_ (1849)... POPIK 1972 Bernstein & Woodward PRESIDENT'S MEN 132, We don't have blacks but we have Cannocks. RHHDAS 1975 R. Comely CAPTAIN CANUCK No. 1 July (comic book). POPIK 1975 AMERICAN SPEECH vol. 50, Summer, 158-160, "THE ETYMOLOGY OF _CANUCK_" (Jacob Adler of the University of Hawaii at Manoa argues for _kanaka-Canuck_, but without historical citations; a letter by Mitford M. Matthews of the DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS that supports _kanaka_ is reprinted). POPIK 1975 McCraig DANGER TRAIL 3, The Canuck government is...closing down the whisky forts. RHHDAS 1975 Gould ME LINGO 42, _Canuck_--The word originated in Maine lumber camps for a French-Canadian working in the Maine woods. It did not mean a French- Canadian anywhere else, and when a British-Columbia hockey team called itself the _Canucks_ the word was far afield. Over the years, as _Canuck_ took on an objectionable tone, the word has been superceded somewhat by _Kaybecker_... French-speaking Canadians from Quebec were _Canucks_. DARE 1978 AMERICAN SPEECH vol. 53, fall, 176-178 (James Sledd of the University of Texas at Austin follows the 1975 article and also argues for _kanaka-Canuck_, but also does not consider Algonquian sources). POPIK 1979 Terkel AMER. DREAMS XVIII, You room with a French Canuck. RHHDAS 1984 E. Partridge DICTIONARY OF SLANG AND UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH, 8th ed., 180, Canuck, occ. Canack, K(a)nuck. A Canadian: in England, from ca. 1915. Orig (1855) a Can. and American term for a French Canadian, which, inside Canada, it still means. Etymology obscure: perhaps _Can_ada + _uc_ (_uq_), the Algonquin n.-ending; W., however, proposes, I think rightly, ex _Canada_ after _Chinook_. 1984 N.Y. TIMES BOOK REVIEW 1 Jan. 3, Me? I'm just a Canuck. RHHDAS 1994 N.Y. TIMES WEEK IN REVIEW 12 June E5/4-5, "Just as well call Americans Yanks, we call Canadians Canucks," said Lisa Ryan, a spokeswoman for the Vancouver Canucks. "It's much like the New York Yankees."...Ms. Ryan said a lot of people have lately been asking about the Canuck name and how it was chosen, but nothing has been found in the archives to explain it. The team began in 1970 as the third National Hockey League team in Canada, following Toronto and Montreal. Maybe it was simply that the Montreal club already owned the appellation Canadiens....The term Canuck was apprently first used in a 1849 (sic) travel book...The word again surfaced in a story in The New York Times of 1865 tracing the path of John Wilkes Booth. In a game of billiards a year before he assassinated Lincoln, Booth is quoted as admiring the "Canadian style," whatever that was. He said, "I must post myself in Canuck airs, for some of us devils may have to settle there shortly"...In a 1972 letter, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau said some think the term "Canuck" applies to all Canadians, some to Eastern Canadians, some to French Canadians. Is it nasty? "Whether or not you commited an ethnic slur," he said, "depends entirely on the way the word is used." POPIK 1994 TORONTO STAR 24 Sept., (Words by Lew Gloin) Canuck? Who uses the bloody words, anyway? Well, several Star writers and the editor-in-chief of Canadian dictionaries for Oxford University Press, that's who, for starters. POPIK --part0_882865386_boundary--