Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 03:48:55 EST From: Bapopik Subject: Wait Till Next Year It's almost next year. Paul Dickson's BASEBALL DICTIONARY has: WAIT 'TIL NEXT YEAR/WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR The plaintive motto of fans whose team has once again fallen short of expectations. The refrain was long associated with the Brooklyn Dodgers and their fans. It achieved its greatest play in those years (1941, 1947, 1949, 1952, 1953, and 1956) when the Dodgers lost to the New York Yankees in the World Series. Among other things, it was the name of a book written by Jackie Robinson. It is now applied to other teams. "There is no light in the Old North Church tonight. Boston is dark and despairing, waiting, as always, until next year." (Tony Kornheiser, _The Washington Post_, October 28, 1986) 1ST 1941. This is the year in which it first achieved prominent display as a headline in the _Brooklyn Eagle_, after the Dodgers were beaten by the Yankees in the World Series. EXT The line has been used as a battle cry in a host of areas and situations. Before those Brooklyn Dodger teams, WAY before, there was a New York Giant baseball team. This was the headline of the New York Tribune, 30 September 1915, pg. 13: "Wait Till Next Year" Is Now Heard on All Sides by the Fans.