Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 16:11:43 -0600

From: Natalie Maynor maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU

Subject: Bounced Mail

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Date: Mon, 07 Feb 1994 20:21:52 -0500 (EST)


Subject: Re: She's All

Subj: She's All

I've enjoyed the informal surveys concerning current usage, so I decided

to do one of my own.

A couple of years ago, my daughter (now a junior in high school) and her

friends started using the phrase "s/he's all" to mean "s/he says" or "s/he

said," when reporting a dialog. For example, an incident might go

something like this:

He's all, "Would you like to go?"

And she's all, "I'll have to check my schedule."

And he's all, "Let me know, okay?"

Interestingly enough, my two older children have never seemed to acquire

this usage.

Have any of you heard this?

As a matter of fact, another list I'm a part of, one

consisting of several of my high school's alums, there is a member who

quotes messages (as I did with this one) and begins the citation by

writing "So-and-so's all



I don't think I use, but I heard it a lot in my high school,

and my stepsister (a sophomore in high school) constantly uses it.

-= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =--= * =-

Aaron E. Drews drewsa[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

Georgetown University drewsa[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]guvax.bitnet

School of Languages "The better part of a man is

and Linguistics soon ploughed into the soil for

Class of 1996 compost." Henry David Thoreau