Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 15:46:28 EST
From: Allan Metcalf aallan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: Newsletter deadline
If all goes as expected, the "January" Newsletter of the American Dialect
Society will go to the printer Friday morning, February 4. Until then there
is room for last-minute announcements of coming meetings, publications, etc.
But get it to me by Thursday evening!
It will be printed next week and in the first-class mail probably around
the 18th. It will announce MARCH 21 as deadline for proposals for our annual
meeting Dec. 27-30 at Le Meridien San Diego in Coronado, Calif.
You will get this if
you're an American Dialect Society member. If not, send me your s-mail
address and I'll send you a copy; or send me $30 for full membership this
year, including our journals AMERICAN SPEECH & P.A.D.S.
Thanks to all who have already contributed news! Allan Metcalf, English
Dept., MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois 62650.