Date: Fri, 11 Feb 1994 10:18:50 CST
From: Dennis Baron debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UIUC.EDU
Subject: Re: An English Grammar Text
In Message Thu, 10 Feb 1994 18:50:12 -0600, mftcf[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UXA.ECN.BGU.EDU writes:
I would like some help on a textbook problem. This summer I get to teach
(we only get a shot about once every five years) and I need the money so
I said OK. The course is English grammar, which I havent taught in five
years or so. The corse is for teacher ed. majors, the book should be as
and non-theoretical -- non-technical, please!!!!!! these kids scare easy --
as possible. I prefer one with lots of good exercises. The kids are
expected to know the basic structure of English, parts of speech, etc.
In short, something like enlightened traditional grammar. The book I
used to use -- THE SCOPE OF GRAMMAR -- is, I think, surely out of print.
Any suggestions?
Tim Frazer
I sympathize with your plight. There is no satisfactory book, at least
I've found none. When I teach our grammar course I use a combination of
materials. Last time I used Finegan and Besnier's intro linguistics
text together with a xerox packet of essays, exercises. I teach what
I think they need, not what they want. And what I think they need is
really a whole language approach to grammar. SO while we spend the
mandatory week on phonetics and phonology, and another couple on syntax,
I devote most of the course to language attitudes, usage controversies,
variation and change, language and gender, literary style, slang, all the
fun stuff, and I show them how they can make language an interesting
subect in and of itself for the students they will be teaching.
Other folks, of course, just use Martha Kolln or Mark Lester's books.
But I just don't like them, and can barely stay awake using them.
debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (\ 217-333-2392
\'\ fax: 217-333-4321
Dennis Baron \'\ ____________
Department of English / '| ()___________)
University of Illinois \ '/ \ ~~~~~~~~~ \
608 South Wright St. \ \ ~~~~~~~~~ \
Urbana, IL 61801 ==). \ __________\
(__) ()___________)