Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 11:38:08 -0500
Subject: GURT '94 Presessions
Georgetown University Round Table
on Languages and Linguistics 1994
March 13-16, 1994
Educational Linguistics, Cross-Cultural Communication,
and Global Interdependence
The presessions will be held in the Intercultural Center.
Please contact the individual organizers for more information.
Friday, March 11, 1994
Arabic Dialect Teaching Workshop
Karin Ryding, Ph.D., and Margaret Nydell, co-organizers
Department of Arabic
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1082
202/687-5646 or rydingk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]guvm.bitnet
Community Interpreting
Margareta Bowen, Ph.D., and Monika Gehrke, co-organizers
Division of Interpretation and Translation
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-0993
History of Linguistics
Kurt Jankowsky, Ph.D., organizer
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1068
202/687-5812 or jankowsky[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Hypermedia Environments Open House
Jackie Tanner, organizer
Language Learning Technology
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-0984
202/687-5766 or jtanner[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Issues in Slavic Linguistics (Part 1)
Cynthia Vakareliyska, Ph.D., organizer
Department of Russian
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-0990
Issues in Teaching ASL as a Second Language
Jeff Connor-Linton, Ph.D., Ceil Lucas, Ph.D., and
Clayton Valli, Ph.D., co-organizers
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1068
202/687-6156 or clucas[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]gallua.bitnet
ASL Pragmatics
Catherine Ball, Ph.D., and
Clare Wolfowitz, Ph.D., co-organizers
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1068
202/687-5949 or cball[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Saturday, March 12, 1994
African Linguistics V (morning)
Rev. Solomon Sara, S.J., organizer
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1068
202/687-5956 or ssara[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Colloquium on Academic Listening Across Language-Culture Areas
Abelle Mason, organizer
Department of English as a Foreign Language
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1083
Issues in Greek Linguistics
James E. Alatis, Ph.D., and Pavlos Pavlou, co-organizers
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1068
202/687-5956 or pavlos[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Issues in Slavic Linguistics (Part 2)
Cynthia Vakareliyska, Ph.D., organizer
Department of Russian
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-0990
Problems in Portuguese Linguistics
Clea Rameh, Ph.D., organizer
Department of Portuguese
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-0991
Sunday, March 13, 1994
Special Student Session
Discourse Analysis: Works in Progress
Elif Tolga Rosenfeld and Scott Kiesling, co-organizers
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057-1068
202/687-5956 or rosenfeld[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
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Registration form. Please send this form and your check (payable to
Georgetown University) to: Joan C. Cook, Coordinator, GURT 1994,
School of Languages and Linguistics, 303 Intercultural Center,
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057-1067, USA.
So that the University may provide reasonable accommodations, we
ask that you notify the GURT 1994 Coordinator of any disability as
soon as possible. Because of the need to schedule sign language
interpreters in advance, please request interpreters no later than
February 28. Any information you provide will be treated
Name (to appear on badge): ____________________________________
Professional Affiliation: _____________________________________
Mailing address: ______________________________________________
City: __________________________ State/Prov.: _________________
Postal code: ___________________ Country: _____________________
Please circle the category for which you are registering:
Full conference (including presessions)
Professional $100.00
Students $ 50.00
Retired $ 50.00
G.U. Students $ 10.00*
G.U. Faculty/Staff waived
*Waived for 5 hours or more of volunteer work
Presessions only $ 20.00
Sunday or Wednesday only $ 40.00
Monday or Tuesday only $ 55.00
For more information on the Georgetown University Round Table on
Languages and Linguistics, please contact
Joan C. Cook, Coordinator, GURT 1994
Georgetown University School of Languages and Linguistics
303 Intercultural Center, Washington, DC 20057-1067
e-mail: gurt[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]guvax.bitnet or gurt[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
voice: 202/687-5726 * fax: 202/687-5712