Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 10:30:00 EST
From: "Dennis.Preston" 22709MGR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.BITNET
Subject: Re: Regional variation in BE
Glad to see Rudy Troike bring up the old war-horse of bilingual reduplication.
(Please don't ask why linguists say 'reduplication' instead of 'duplicate' or
My favorite over the years has been the Hawaii toponym 'The Napali Cliffs'
which is 'The The Cliffs Cliffs.' This beats by one item all the well-known
'The El...' forms (E.g., 'The El Toro Motel'),and I have never heard any such
form as 'The El Rancho Ranch.'
Dennis Preston
22709mgr[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]msu.bitnet