Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 09:32:00 EST
From: "Dennis.Preston" 22709MGR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.BITNET
Subject: Re: there's
T. Daniel Seely (Eastern Michigan University) and I gave a paper on
'Disagreement' at the Michigan Linguistic Society in 1990. We worked with both
conversational data and traditional theoretical instruments (i.e., our
intuitions). We arrived at three principles which encourage disagreement:1)
Phonological processes a) Contraction (e.g., 'what's' versus 'what is'), b)
dissimilation ('where're' versus 'how're'); 2) Word order markedness (e.g.,
'In the shed is some cats' versus 'Some cats is in the shed'), and 3)
Processing (linearity) constraints (e.g., 'There is one man and two
women...'). These principles were confirmed by our conversational data, but
the sample was so small that we are not happy with the holes it left and with
the lack of opportunity to look at other (more subtle) constraints. Since
there is no extensive corpus of spoken AmerEng in which such itmes can be
studied, we'll have to wait around I guess.
Dennis Preston 22709mgr[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]msu.bitnet