Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 17:38:45 -0600
From: Natalie Maynor maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU
Subject: Delays
If some of you have been wondering about the slowness of list mail in
recent months (and getting worse), it's because of a net crisis. I
won't bore you with the details -- it has to do with things like the
impending death of bitnet, the slow VM interbit mechanism (for sending
listserv mail to internet addresses), and the dumping of even more interbit
transfer duties onto the already severely overloaded UGA mainframe. All
kinds of pessimistic predictions have been flying aroung the net, some
convinced that UGA's mainframe is going to choke to death any day now.
Just thought I should let you know that it's not your imagination or your
own system. Nor is ADS-L the only list suffering from the enormous delays.
--Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]