Date: Sat, 10 Feb 1996 15:40:11 -0500

From: Allan Metcalf AAllan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM

Subject: 16 pages of news

Nine hundred copies of the (slightly belated) January issue of the Newsletter

of the American Dialect Society were placed in the keeping of the US Postal

Service at the main post office in Jacksonville, Illinois this day (Saturday,

Jan. 10).

That means that members of ADS should be getting their copies this week. For,

as you all know, our newsletter goes by First Class mail, to bring you the

news before it obsolesces.

And the rest of you? If you have already let me know you'd like a copy, yours

too will be on its way to you in the coming week, along with an invitation to

membership. If you have not let me know - just send me your s-mail address

and I'll send it to you.

The issue has four kinds of news:

1. Calls for papers for all sorts of coming meetings;

2. Reports on what happened at our Dec. 1995 annual meeting;

3. News of publications, especially the excitement at DARE with Volume 3 in

the offing; and

4. our special bonus, the 4000-word complete text of Virginia McDavid's talk

at our Annual Luncheon: "Lines and Labels," an eyewitness look back at 50

years of dialect study.

Don't miss it!

- Allan Metcalf, ADS Executive Secretary AAllan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]