Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 04:45:05 -0800
Subject: Re: Monkey Wards and lots more
In South Florida, Florida Power & Light is known as Florida Plunder & Loot,
and Fort Lauderdale, which used to be known as Ft. Liquordale, is now known
for its
large gay population as Ft. La Te Da. A large series of senior citizen condo
complexes officially named Century Village is known to the politicians who
have to campaign among its 60, 70 & 80 year old occupants as Cemetery
Village, and South Beach
in Miami Beach is know known as SoBe. The Dade County (Miami) elevated railroad
officially called Metrorail is also known as Metro-fail.
Seth Sklarey
Wittgenstein school of the Unwritten Word
Coconut Grove, FL
The following contribution comes from my colleague Dick Demers:
Monkey Wards was the name my Dad used, and I can remember back to the
early fifties for that one. He also had humorous names for all sorts of
establishments in Portland, Oregon. Meier and Franks was Murphy and Finnegans.
The internal revenue was infernal revenue, of course. Hubert Humphery was
Preparation H. I've heard the following names for newscasters: Stoned
Phillips, Tom Lockjaw, Dan Blather..and so on. I have heard twisted names
for some Tucson places. Fed-Mart (when it existed) was Fed-Fart. Foley's
is Folly's. I'll bet there are some real funny ones out there. Dick D