Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 11:48:29 EST
From: Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV maintainer
Subject: new usage of an old word
This is a new, and I hope temporary, usage. Various people on the net
have been using "exonerated" to mean "obscene words have been replaced
by the names of conservative legislators." A typical message might
include a phrase like "motherexoning" and then end with
This text has been "exonerated" by performing certain textual
substitutions in order to bring the text into compliance with
the Communications Decency Act.
The quote marks are appearing intermittently, suggesting that the
writers are aware of the neologism and/or want us to think of it as
Vicki Rosenzweig
vr%acmcr.uucp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] | rosenzweig[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
New York, NY