Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 14:35:37 -0600

From: Charles F Juengling juen0001[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU

Subject: Re: Monkey Wards and Kame-apart -Reply

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, Miriam Meyers wrote:

We use the 'French' pronunciation of Target here in Minnesota

We do?

The first time I heard anyone say `tar-zhay' was the day before

yesterday. But the speaker is visiting from Maine and gives a French

pronunciation of her own family name, where her son gives an American

pronunciation. So, I thought, after I figured out what in the world she

was talking about, that she had gone to 'Target' and was giving some odd

pronunciation just to be funny.

Since Target is such a high-class place to shop, I go there all the

time. I have ever heard any of the employees not advertisements refer to

it by any other name than 'Target.'

Fritz Juengling

St. Paul MN