Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 20:39:08 -0500
From: Jeutonne Brewer brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NR.INFI.NET
Subject: split infinitive
As I remember, the prescriptive rule about the split infinitive, like the
rule about double negatives and the rule proclaiming "he" as the generic
pronoun, is part of a group of rules that were
essentially grammarians' proclamations about what English use should be.
The rules reflected the writers' preferences rather than stating a view
based on the study of the structure and history of English. 18th
century grammarians like Bishop Robert Lowth are best known for declaring
such rules as gospel. However, the grammar of Joseph Priestley shows that
there were also reasonable voices during that period.
The rule states that nothing may be placed between the infinitive "to" and
the bare verb form. "To not go" would thus be a split infinitive. Bare
infinitives aren't condemned because there is to "to" preceding the form.
The rule is based upon comparison with Latin, I think. Latin could not
have split infinitives because the ad- was part of the verb form. English
does things differently. As novelist Anthony Burgess wrote in his
interesting grammar, Language Made Plain, prescriptive grammarians have
often spanked the bottom of English because it was not Latin.
I can provide a reference for a split infinitive discussion, but the
information is at the office and I don't have it at hand.
By the way, the ADS volume, Centennial Usage Studies, has several
articles on handbooks, glossaries, dictionaries, etc. I think it
is a good text for classroom use.
* jpbrewer[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *
* Jeutonne P. Brewer *
* Department of English *
* University of North Carolina at Greensboro *
* Greensboro, NC 17412 *
* brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *
* brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *
* brewerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] *