Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 13:28:01 -0500


Subject: Re: cold drinks



Hey Lynne, welcome back! As for the part of your question about other

varieties of English, "cold drink" definitely appears in Pakistani

English. It means a chilled, bottled drink, e.g. Pepsi, whatever the

orange soda and variant of Sprite are, and mango juice (which is what I

always got and why I can't remember the others). If you're hanging out

with friends, especially in the summer, you often opt for a "cold drink"

rather than chi (tea, which is served hot with lots of milk and sugar).

I don't know whether "cold drink" originally came from the UK or one of

the colonies, but I think that the opposition between a "cold drink"

and tea is probably important.

I hope this helps.



Maggie Ronkin / Georgetown University / ronkinm[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]



On Tue, 4 Feb 1997, M. Lynne Murphy wrote:

thanks very much. sure wish i had a copy of DARE here...

