From: Automatic digest processor (2/28/98)
To: Recipients of ADS-L digests
ADS-L Digest - 26 Feb 1998 to 27 Feb 1998 98-02-28 00:01:18
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There are 14 messages totalling 789 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Executive privilege
2. Brooklynese (2)
3. thong (2)
4. March hare (3)
5. dialectal loanwords - mebos
6. Zori redux [long]
7. Rearend/seat (was Re: Butt (was Re: thong))
8. March hare madness
9. Thomas L. Clark
10. Spelling Bee (long!)
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 01:05:33 EST
Subject: Executive privilege
CSPAN's Washington Journal had on today the American University's Mark
Rozell, author of a book called EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE. Rozell stated that
although the privilege has been used since George Washington's time, it
acquired the name "executive privilege" during the Eisenhower administration.
William Safire's THE NEW LANGUAGE OF POLITICS didn't include the term.
It is, however, in SAFIRE'S NEW POLITICAL DICTIONARY Citations from 1954 and
1958 are given. Fred R. Shapiro found "executive privilege" in a 1940 U.S.
Court of Appeals case, _Glass v. Ickes_.
Safire states that the _e_ in "executive privilege" should be capitalized
because it refers to the Office of the President.
Any opinions/observations on this?
Anyone read Rozell's book?