Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 11:28:40 EST
From: Allan Metcalf AAllan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: NADS on the web
Thanks to Grant Barrett's painstaking efforts, the new issue of the Newsletter
of the American Dialect Society, vol. 30 No. 1 for January 1998, is now
available at our website
The format is different from the print (my hopes to preserve the original with
the HTML generator in PageMaker 6.5 were far from fulfilled), but the content
is the same. Two items in the print newsletter aren't in the web version
because those items are elsewhere on the website. These items are the news
about the 1997 Words of the Year, and the constitution and bylaws.
We will do this for future issues of NADS. With this initial experience, I'll
be able to provide Grant with the material in better form. And it will be on
our website at the same time it's in the mail for ADS members.
If you should prefer *not* to bother with the print version, let me know and
I'll remove you from the USmail list for future issues.
Your comments on this new feature are welcome!
- Allan Metcalf
Executive Secretary
American Dialect Society