Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:54:52 EST
From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: L. A., the Digital Coast?
This is from the New York Times, 23 February 1998, pg. D4, cols. 3-6:
In the Shadow of Silicon Valley, "Digital Coast" Emerges
(highlighted box) Los Angeles has been a city in search of a cybermoniker
By Amy Harmon
LOS ANGELES--No true booster of Silicon Valley or its New York wannabe,
Silicon Alley, would dispute the benefits of a catchy moniker for raising a
region's high-technology profile and attracting coveted talent and venture
But Los Angeles Mayor Richard J. Riordan's announcement last week that
this city would henceforth be known as "Digital Coast" elicited little more
than snickers and derision from its geographic rivals.
"Already people are talking about 'Digital Toast,'" sniffed Mark Stahlman
(His nose sniffs in perfect English?--ed.), a co-founder of the New York New
Media Association and the man who coined the derivative Silicon Alley label to
describe the cluster of Internet companies in lower Manhattan.
A spokesman for Joint Venture Silicon Valley, an economic development
group in San Jose, Calif., was more magnanimous, noting, "At least they stayed
away from 'silicon,' since there is only one Silicon Valley, and everyone has
already tried to do a takeoff."
(...) If this self-baptism seems a bit forced, it is far from the first
time a locale has draped itself in techn-chic associations. One Web site
( lists 45 instances of "siliconia"
associated with 55 locations, including North Carolina's Silicon Triangle, the
Silicon Fen in Cambridge, England, and even the Silicon Swamp of Perry, Fla.,
on the Gulf of Mexico.
(...) So far, the original Valley has far outstripped its rivals. But
Los Angeles reasons that as bandwidth expands and on-line entertainment
becomes more feasible, it will come into its own--though only time will tell
whether its bid to become "the new-media capital of the world" is simply
California dreaming.
"Multimedia is our ticket for success into the next century," Mayor
Riordan said at the ceremony last Wednesday as slides of the Southern
California coast at sunset, night and midday flashed on a screen behind him.
"The future is in our hands, and we're going to win."
This is a very familiar naming scenario. Sometimes it works and
sometimes it doesn't.
I object to the name "digital," though. Digital is a company's name.
(Have they merged with Compaq computers?) Also, it sounds like "Gidget-al
Coast." And, in the movie BOOGIE NIGHTS, one reviewer mentioned the main
character's "digit."
On the obvious level, though, doesn't "Digital Coast" mean that the
place is filled with "ones" and "zeros"?