Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 01:40:44 CST From: "Robert . Bayley" Subject: Re: GoldVarb & System 7 > > Does anyone know whether a "System 7 savvy" version of GoldVarb has been > done? Specifically System 7.1? Are many of the ADS-L subscribers using > GoldVarb, or have you found other options to serve your needs better? I > mean options on, say,a Mac SE/30 with 8MB RAM & > 80MB HD space. Not > mainframe options. > DMLance > I've run Goldvarb 2.0 on a Powerbook 145 with only 4 meg Ram without any problems. A one level analysis of ca 4000 tokens with 19-20 factors runs in slightly less than a minute, even without a co-processor. Robert Bayley Bicultural-Bilingual Studies University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX 78249 -- Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 17:23:00 GMT From: ENG0997[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]VAX2.QUEENS-BELFAST.AC.UK Subject: The Tosser's Guide Has anyone come across a book called _The Tosser's Guide to the Commitments_ The Commitments is a film about Dublin based on a novel of the same name written by Roddy Doyle. Apparently a jokey-sort of glossary was produced for the US market at the time of the film's release. I've ben unable to track it down. Might could someone help out? I sure hope that someone might should could ... (just preparin' ma suthron for LAVIS!) With thanks, JOHN KIRK ENG0997[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]QUB.AC.UK Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 11:39:00 CST From: Beth Lee Simon Subject: lexical alert is anyone familiar with the long white? thanks, beth simon at DARE blsimon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 12:11:00 CST From: Beth Lee Simon Subject: lexical question has anyone eaten quivering death? if so and you survived, i remain beth simon at the dictionary blsimon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 12:19:18 CST From: "Donald M. Lance" Subject: Re: GoldVarb & System 7 Thans for your response to my ADS-L query the other day. Someone else sent me Sankoff's e-mail address. I sent him a query, which he forwarded to Rand, a co-author of GoldVarb, who responded that there should be no problem in running GoldVarb on Sys 7 but that it couldn't take advantage of certain features such as aliases. Thanks again ..... DMLance, English Dept, U of Mo Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 17:22:42 EST From: TTHONUS[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UCS.INDIANA.EDU Subject: Author search I'm trying to locate Clyde Smith, author of the 1989 ADS Conference Presentation entitled "Southern American English in Brazil, No?" Clyde, if you're out there, please reply; if anyone else knows his address/phone number/e-mail, please let me know. Thanks. Terese Thonus Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1993 15:07:08 EST From: Bill Kretzschmar Subject: address for Hans Van Halteren I wonder whether anybody has a current e-mail address for Hans Van Halteren, who was involved with the tagging program for the ICE project. He was at Nijmegen as of last April, may still be there, but my e-mail to him bounced. Bill Kretzschmar Bill Kretzschmar 706-542-2246 University of Georgia FAX 706-542-2181 Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1993 14:18:33 CST From: "Donald M. Lance" Subject: Re: GoldVarb & System 7 A week or so ago I sent a query over ADS-L regarding GoldVarb and System 7. Someone put me onto how to get the info I needed. I have been in correspond- ence with David Rand at U Montreal, one of the co-authors of the program. I asked him if he would mind if I sent a message to ads-l, and he very kindly sent me the following message to forward. Donald M. Lance, English Dept, U of Missouri ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- This is in reply to your message of Friday, Feb. 5, about ADS-L. Here is a summary of the latest information about GoldVarb. You may post it to ADS-L or anywhere else you deem appropriate. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * The current version of GoldVarb is 2.1. It is just a minor revision of version 2.0. These versions run under System 6 or System 7, but do not take advantage of any of the new special features of System 7 (aliases, stationery, Apple events, etc.). * If you have a version older than 2.0, we recommend you upgrade. IF YOU HAVE VERSION 2.0, THERE IS NO NEED TO UPGRADE. * GoldVarb is public domain. If you have version 2.0 or later, feel free to pass on a copy to anyone interested. * If you cannot obtain GoldVarb from a colleague, you may request it directly from the authors at one of the Internet addresses shown below. We will send you the programme and manual on a diskette. We will also send you a hard-copy manual if we still have any left. There is no charge. * GoldVarb runs on the Macintosh only. We cannot help you with other platforms. For example, we don't have any DOS version. (To enquire about the DOS version of Varbrul, contact S. Pintzuk or S. Ash of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania.) David Rand -- Internet: Rand[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] David Sankoff -- Internet: Sankoff[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Centre de recherches mathematique, Universite de Montreal ------------------------------------------------------------------ End of text to be publically posted. Thanks, David. .............................................................. David Rand | C.P. 6128-A analyste-programmeur | Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 Centre de recherches math. | Telephone: (514) 343-6111, 4726# Universite de Montreal | E-mail: rand[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1993 13:33:52 PST From: Sue Redlus Subject: Re: lexical question REPLY TO 02/07/93 23:15 FROM ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA.BITNET "American Dialect Society": lexical question Paul-- I don't understand. What does that mean??? Please fill me in! I just came from signing my lease and picking up my keys. Yeah. I can start moving my stuff in whenever I want - even though my lease doesn't start until Wednesday. My bed won't be delivered until Wednesday evening anyway, but at least I can start moving things in now!! Ciao for now. Sue P.s. Do you have a measuring tape? If so, may I please stop by after work to quickly measure something??? Let me know. S To: ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA.BITNET Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1993 18:28:32 CST From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: lexical question > P.s. Do you have a measuring tape? If so, may I please stop by after > work to quickly measure something??? Let me know. I think we've just witnessed an e-oops. :-) --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1993 18:19:00 GMT From: ENG0997[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]VAX2.QUEENS-BELFAST.AC.UK Subject: RE: address for Hans Van Halteren To Bill and anyone else interested: Hans van Halteren's e-mail address is: COR_HVH[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]KUNRC1.URC.KUN.NL It worked fine for me last week! JOHN KIRK Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1993 09:07:00 CST From: Beth Lee Simon Subject: your question about lexical inquiries on ads list >From time to time, questions about lexical items will be posted to members of the ads emial list. it is an informal attempt to find informants-passive or active users- of items that, at least at the moment, are of interest to the Dictionary of American Regional English or DARE. you are very welcome to respond to these inquiries, or indeed, pass them along and report back, either by replying to the ads email address, or replying to me, beth simon at DARE, by sending to blsimon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Thanks, beth Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1993 13:12:00 EST From: "James_C.Stalker" Subject: ADS Session at NCTE CALL FOR PAPERS I will be chairing the ADS session at the NCTE convention in Pittsburg, Nov. 19-22, 1993. The topic is to be Taboo Language in the Classroom, a sequel to the 1992 NCTE ADS session. NADS will also carry a call for papers for this session, but I thought this might get a little earlier start. Although the topic specifies "in the classroom," that can be construed to include in the school at large, or the "school setting." Further, if you have research that was not carried out in a classroom, but may have a bearing on or implication for classroom behavior, instruction, materials, I can certainly include that as well. The 1992 papers focused on a project in which eighth graders collected slang/taboo items and how they handled them, the effect of the appearance of taboo language in the study of literature, specifically medieval literature, and a comparison of the use of taboo language by females from a northern anda southern college campus. As you can see, the range is broad on many dimensions. Female/male differences, age differences, use in literature, or changes in what constitutes taboo items are topics that come to mind, but others are, of course, possible. Please send me abstracts by regular mail or by return email. I have to let Alan Metcalf know who the program participants will be by the end of March, so please send your abstract no later than mid-March. Of course, tomorrow is not too early. Last year's session attracted about a hundred people. Maybe more. I brought a hundred handouts, and they were all gone. I hope that we can generate good attendance again this year, but I will need you to do it. James C. Stalker email: stalker[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] or stalker[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]msu Department of English Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824 (517) 355 1781 Office (517) 336 7118 Home (best call me here) Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1993 12:52:32 EST From: "Warren A. Brewer" Subject: Motorbike in Taiwanese Motorbike in Taiwanese For "motorbike" (including the notions of "small motorcycle" and "motor scooter") the most common generic term in Taiwanese seems to be: [open o, mid-level tone]+[t]+[open o, mid-level tone]+[bai, high- falling tone], which sounds something like "AUTO BUY". This must be a loanword, borrowed either directly from English or indirectly via Japanese. It also seems obvious that the etymon should be an English *autobike, but I haven't found a reference for this word (nor for *autobicycle) in the meager resources available to me here (Webster's 1909, Webster's 3rd, AHD 1st, Shorter OED). My guess is that this Taiwanese form comes from the Japanese occupation period (1895-1945), since most of the English AUTO- compounds strike me as old fashioned, certainly not in my active vocabulary: autobus, autoboat, autocar, autoette, autocarriage, autorail, autosled, autotruck; cf. autogiro, -gyro, autocamp, auto lift, automaker, autorail. There must be an English *autobike out there somewhere; perhaps someone could report an attestation of it for me. Warren Brewer ncut054 [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] twnmoe10 Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1993 19:29:50 -0600 From: dsg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]STAFF.TC.UMN.EDU Subject: Forwarded message... ----- Forwarded message begins here ----- From: wolford Sat, 13 Feb 1993 15:08:44 EST To: Multiple recipients of list FOLKLORE Subject: to see the elephant In early February someone was asking about the phrase "to see the elephant." I'm a little late responding, but a source to look at would be the _Dictionary of Regional English_ vol. 2, p.286, which lists 7 sources, most of them literary and the earliest dating to 1840. Texas, Claifornia, Oregon, Georgia, and NYC are all mentioned as areas in which it was used. However, if you're looking only for the original meaning or intent of the phrase, this source does not indicate that. John Wolford ------ Forwarded message ends here ------ Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 16:24:00 EST From: Paul Mangiafico Subject: E-Text Information via Gopher and FTP We thought this announcement might be of interest to your community. It is also being sent to a number of other discussion groups in the library and humanities communities. Paul Mangiafico, project assistant Center for Text & Technology pmangiafico[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]guvax.bitnet Academic Computer Center, 238 Reiss pmangiafico[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Georgetown University tel: 202-687-6096 Washington, DC 20057 USA fax: 202-687-6003 CPET DIGESTS NOW AVAILABLE VIA GOPHER AND FTP For the past four years, Georgetown University's Center for Text & Technology (CTT), under the aegis of the Academic Computer Center, has been compiling a directory of projects that create and analyze electronic text in the humanities. A relational database accessible via the Internet, Georgetown's Catalogue of Projects in Electronic Text (CPET) includes information on more than 350 projects throughout the world. Now digests of project information -- organized by humanities discipline and by language of the electronic text -- can be read, searched, and retrieved by means of the Internet's protocols for Gopher and anonymous FTP. There are digests for 40 different languages, as well as for linguistics, literature, philosophy, biblical studies, and a variety of others, ranging from Medieval and Renaissance studies to Archaeology, African studies, and Buddhism. GOPHER - INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCESS The CPET digests are organized into subdirectories on Georgetown University's Gopher server. If you have never used Gopher, you may wish to consult your local Internet expert to determine whether you have access to Gopher client software or to obtain for instructions for using it. At many locations, one simply types the word GOPHER at the system prompt of the networked mainframe. Once inside the main Gopher directory, look for CPET files under: Other Gopher and Information Servers North America USA Washington, DC Georgetown University Please note that the menu item for Washington, DC, appears alphabetically after Washington state and not after Delaware. On the Georgetown server look into the directory CPET_PROJECTS_IN_ELECTRONIC_TEXT, where you will find the following files and subdirectories: 1. CPET_DIGESTS_INTRODUCTION.TXT (information on the digests) 2. CPET_INTRODUCTION.TXT (information on the CPET database) 3. CPET_USER_GUIDE.TXT (how to access the on-line database) 4. DIGESTS_DISCIPLINES.DIR (digests organized by discipline) 5. DIGESTS_LANGUAGES.DIR (digests organized by language) The filenames of the digests have as extensions the approximate size in kilobytes of each file; filesize will determine the length of time needed to acquire the file. Before retrieving any of the digests, please read the introductory file (CPET_DIGESTS_INTRODUCTION.TXT). FTP - INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCESS The digests are arranged in a similar structure in Georgetown's FTP server. To survey the digests, first enter the following command from your system prompt: ftp (or ftp When requested, login with the username ANONYMOUS and a password according to the formula YOURNAME[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]YOURSITE. Once within GUVAX, at the ftp prompt ( often either ftp> or * ), change directories as follows: ftp> cd cpet_projects_in_electronic_text Then if you then enter a directory command -- DIR -- you will find the same files and subdirectories that are described in the preceding section of these directions on gopher. To inspect the other directories in a subdirectory, change directories again. Do not enter the .DIR extension or the version number, and distinguish between hyphens and underscores when typing the filenames. For example, at the prompt enter a command such as the following: ftp>cd digests_disciplines To explore further the directory structure and the file contents, enter the commands to show the directory (DIR) or to change the directory (CD) as often as necessary. Note: some subdirectories contain more than one complete screen of filenames, so when you enter a dir command, the initial contents of the subdirectory may scroll off the screen. To stop the scrolling, use whatever device your system permits. For example, with VAX VMS one would use CTRL-S (that is, hold down the CTRL key and press the S key) to stop scrolling and CTRL-Q to continue scrolling. To retrieve a file, type at the ftp prompt the command GET followed by the name of the file (with the filename extension) that you wish to retrieve. For example, ftp> get finnish.17K A system message will confirm that the file has been transferred to your computer (more specifically, to the directory from which you invoked ftp). To leave FTP, enter at the prompt the command BYE. ftp> bye If you have any questions or comments on this service, or would like to learn more about CPET and Georgetown's Center for Text and Technology, please contact us at the address below. Georgetown Catalogue of Projects in Electronic Text (CPET) Center for Text & Technology Academic Computer Center, Reiss 238 Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057 USA tel: 202-687-6096 fax: 202-687-6003 Contacts: Paul Mangiafico, CPET Project Assistant pmangiafico[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Dr. Michael Neuman, Director, Center for Text & Technology neuman[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 17:19:56 -0500 From: Mike Agnes Subject: "to see the elephant" Sept. 3, 1979, issue of New York magazine yields the following citation: There was a glass pavilion holding 500 drinkers and a huge hotel built in the shape of an elephant that drew thousands of sightseers. (It drew thousands more for quite another purpose. In the slang of the period, when someone was "going to see the elephant," it meant he was going to get laid.) It is impossible to be certain from my citation slip, but I believe it likely that the context refers to Coney Island, New York. Comparison of this with the DARE citations referred to by John Wolford is fascinating, I find. >From the depths of bronchitis that makes me fumble for my .45 cartridges, I bid you all the best. -- Mike Agnes INTERNET: by971[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] BITNET:[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cunyvm FAX: 216 579-1255 Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 05:31:30 CST From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Re: address > is the ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]uga.bitnet address out of date, or the same as the > address? does it matter which I use? > beth simon blsimon[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] What address?? The list is still at UGA. Since your address is an internet address, it would be more efficient for you to send list mail to ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] instead of ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]uga.bitnet, but either will do. --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1993 18:59:09 -0600 From: Dan Goodman Subject: Query on Japanese word allegedly from English ----- Forwarded message begins here ----- From: Mike Barker Thu, 18 Feb 1993 14:09:28 JST To: Multiple recipients of list WRITERS Subject: Word of the Day Hepburn: konsento pronounced: con-sen-to When I first came to Japan, I wondered why people kept asking about consent - and other people would point them at the wall, then relax. I almost expected that there would be a framed contract or something on the wall, giving permission for whatever these people were asking about. You'll need one for most of the electrical devices, and in most Japanese houses each one is the center of an octopus of extension cords. That's right, this is the electrical outlet or wall socket. Derivation: the dictionary says concentric plug. I've never heard of that term, and I've asked hardware engineers who say they've never heard of it before either. ------ Forwarded message ends here ------ Date: 21 February 93, 19:30:52 EST From: David Bergdahl (614) 593-2783 BERGDAHL at OUACCVMB To: ADS-L at UGA We've all grown accustomed to the reversal of the usual sense of "liberal" and conservative" as, for example, the opponents of private ownership in the formwer USSR are referred as "conservative" or "rightist" when they are unrepenitent communists and therefore archetypically "left." The reanalysis of left/right and liberal/conservative seems to have been the result of deciding capitalism is the "future" and socialism the "past" and that liberal=progressive=left and that conservative=clinging to past forms=right. However a new reanalysis may be in the works, among students at least. In the Friday OU POST an article on the decline in fraternity rushees attributes the drop to the fact that students were more "liberal" in the recent past, and so more willing to join fraternities. The actual text is "The campus is becoming more conservative," he [DU president] said. "The Greek system doesn't seem to be as appealing to those comong in. Four years ago, the campus was more liberal." How would you construe this new, improved use of 'liberal"? David Bergdahl Ohio University/Athens "Gateway to West Virginia" BERGDAHL AT OUACCVMB.Bitnet-or-BERGDAHL[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OUVAXA.CATS.OHIOU.EDU ********************************************************************** Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1993 18:23:02 CST From: Dan Goodman Subject: Conservative & Liberal change meanings On Sun, 21 Feb 1993 19:52:48 -050, David Bergdahl writes: >We've all grown accustomed to the reversal of the usual sense of >"liberal" and conservative" as, for example, the opponents of private >ownership in the formwer USSR are referred as "conservative" or >"rightist" when they are unrepenitent communists and therefore >archetypically "left." Ambrose Bierce gave the best definitions in THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY. This is from memory, but I think it's fairly close to the original: Conservative: A statesman enamored of the existing evils; as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others. Bierce also defined a radical as: One who introduces the conservatism of tomorrow into the politics of today. Dan Goodman dsg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1993 16:53:16 -0600 From: Dan Goodman Subject: "That's it -- Fort Pitt!"