Date: Sat, 12 Feb 1994 01:20:49 CST From: "Donald M. Lance" Subject: English Grammar Tim Frazer asked what weuns all use in our courses in English grammar. I'm reporting what we use at Mizzou, not necessarily making a recommendation. We've been using _Englsih_Grammar:_Principles_and_Facts_, by Jeffrey P. Kaplan (Prentice Hall, 1989) for 3 or 4 years and have been fairly well pleased with it -- for our purposes. One has to explain away some little things like /ey/ but not /ow/ in his phonetic transcription, and make other adjustments. But if the aim of the course is to give a brief introduction to notions of prescription/description, a brief swipe at phonetics and phonological rules, and a fair introduction to syntactic argumentation using some X-bar notation and principles, it's a usable book. You can even cover the basic grammatical terminology with it, but not give a basic grounding in traditional grammar. We're likely to change books in the fall, not because we've found something better but because we're tired of teaching the book and want to freshen up the course. But the University of Missouri takes in only the top 30% of the applicants, whereas Western Illinois has a lower cut-off point for acceptance. Makes a difference. I wanted to give a more positive report on this particular book than I saw earlier. Our course is required of English Ed and Speech Path majors and is taken by lots of English lit majors who have some interest in language. We'vehad 90-110 per semester,in 2 or 3 sections. DMLance