Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 01:51:25 -0700 From: Rudy Troike Subject: Re: /k(j)upan/ Howdy, y'all: I did not learn until a few years ago (I think it was either when I moved to Washington D.C. or more likely to Illinois) that there were people in the world who did NOT say /kyuwpan/. Something vaguely triggers a memory that the argument was made that this is a FRENCH word, and so should "properly" be pronounced /kuwpan/ (never mind the proper pronunciation of the second syllable). I have heard the same rationale given for pronouncing as /ruwt/ rather than as the naturally Great Vowel Shifted /rawt/, the only pronunciation I think I was aware of until I studied linguistics (or maybe later, after my Ph.D.). Both I suspect represent transplants from Britain, where French is more sedulously cultivated in the educational system than here. I would expect the effect likewise to be stronger in the Northeast, where French is also more cultivated than elsewhere in the country, and to be associated with the lingering prestige which things French have in the English world. Rudy Troike