Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 15:06:47 -0500 From: GURT[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GUVAX.BITNET Subject: GURT '94 Preconference Tutorials PRECONFERENCE TUTORIALS March 13, 1994 Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1994 The preconference tutorials will be held in the Intercultural Center of Georgetown University on Sunday, March 13. Tuition is $75.00 per tutorial. Please contact the individual organizers for more information. Concordances and Corpora for Classroom and Research Catherine Ball, Ph.D., Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University Washington, D.C. 20057-1068, 202/687-5812 or cball[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] In this tutorial, we will survey free and commercial sources for electronic text corpora and will provide a critical review of concordancers as tools for discovering facts about language. The tutorial will include a demonstration of a popular scanner (HP and OCR package for creating electronic text, and we will use Internet resources to find and retrieve free texts in various languages. Participants will be introduced to a suite of concordancers. There will be opportunity for hands-on use of our textual resources on both Macs and PCs, including the above-mentioned concordancers, major text corpora and collections, and several on-line dictionaries and encyclopedias on CD-ROM. Participants will receive a copy of the tutorial notes (including fact sheets for each area covered), and those who bring diskettes may take away copies of the freeware. Enrollment is limited to 15 participants. Criterion-Referenced Curriculum and Test Development for Language Teachers and Administrators, Jeff Connor-Linton, Ph.D. Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057-1068 202/687-6156 or connorlinton[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] This workshop is intended for second and foreign language teachers and administrators at all levels of education. A model process for "bottom-up" teacher development of a proficiency-oriented, criterion-referenced second/ foreign language curriculum and testing program will be described. The development process is designed to enhance articulation and coherence between levels of instruction and to foster communicating teaching practices. Tools for Computer-Aided Analysis of Language Acquisition Data: Training in Use of COALA, Catherine Doughty, Ph.D. Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057-1068 202/687-6252 or doughtyc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce participants to a soon-to-be- released software package designed for the automated analysis of language acquisition data. COALA (computer-aided linguistic analysis; Pienemann, Jansen, and Thornton 1992) is essentially a relational database with an interface offering the language analyst a transcription aid, coding tools, analysis tools (formulaic searching), and report generation.