Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 11:42:06 EST From: Stephen Goodman Subject: Strange symbols Some of the symbols appearing on my screen from postings to this list are impossible for me to decipher. The symbols exist on no keyboard I've ever seen. Most common are an upper case O beneath a Spanish tilde and an upper case E beneath a curcumflex. These symbols often surround character strings referenced by the discussion, so I assume they serve as delimiters in addition to some other functions. Other lists impose a symbol depicting a semicolon under a horizontal bar, and I'm told by computer analysts (sic) this is the way my "system interprets the tab key on the sender's system". Is there a list devoted to strange twists of language (OXYMORON-L)? If so, I nominate "computer system". Is there a Rosetta stone allowing an interpretation of the code generated by ADS-L owner's client server? At current subscription rates feel free to think of me as a client. Recent postings recommending more software are probably going to win, but I foresee a time when the need for software will outpace the speed at which we are able to add more memory. The half life of computer equipment is getting shorter and shorter. *=========================================================* * Stephen Goodman, (518) 473-8017 / sfg02[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]albnydh2.bitnet * *=========================================================*