End of ADS-L Digest - 10 Feb 1995 to 11 Feb 1995 ************************************************ There is one message totalling 379 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Developments in Discourse Analysis (GLS 1995) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 19:08:23 -0500 From: Shari Kendall Subject: Developments in Discourse Analysis (GLS 1995) updated 2/10/95 ********** The Georgetown Linguistics Society presents GLS 1995: DEVELOPMENTS IN DISCOURSE ANALYSIS February 17-19, 1995 Georgetown University, Washington D.C. ********** **REGISTRATION SCHEDULE** Friday 11:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. Intercultural Center (ICC) Galleria. Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. ICC Auditorium main entrance Sunday 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ICC Auditorium main entrance **EVENT LOCATIONS** Sessions: Intercultural Center. Rooms will be posted at registration. Plenary Sessions: Intercultural Center Auditorium. Reception: Intercultural Center Galleria. **CONFERENCE SCHEDULE** *FRIDAY, February 17* 11:00 a.m. Registration begins in the Intercultural Center Galleria 2:00 - 3:30 Colloquium: Developments in Signed Language Discourse Part I (Coordinator: Melanie Metzger) *Ruth Morgan The interplay of place and space in a Namibian Sign Language narrative *Kathleen Wood Negotiating literate identities: Life stories of deaf students *Susan M. Mather Adult-deaf toddler discourse Will the Real Author Please Stand Up?: Exploiting the Speech of Others *Richard Buttny Talking race on campus: Reported speech in accounts of race relations at a university campus *Akira Satoh Reported speech in English and Japanese: A comparative analysis *Joyce Tolliver Evidentiality and accountability in literary narrative Folk, Interlocutor, and Analytical Frameworks *Hanny Feurer A place for folk linguistics in discourse analysis? Greetings in Tibeto-Burman languages *Christianna I. White Similarity and distinctiveness: A vantage analysis of Plato's Gorgias *Martin Warren How do conversations begin and end? 3:45 - 5:15 Colloquium: Developments in Signed Language Discourse Part II (Coordinator: Melanie Metzger) *Tina M. Neumann Figurative language in an American Sign Language poem: Personification and prosopopoeia *Scott Liddell and Melanie Metzger Spatial mapping in an ASL Narrative: Examining the use of multiple surrogate spaces *Elizabeth A. Winston Spatial mapping in comparative discourse frames in American Sign Language Political, Intellectual, Institutional Identities *Anna De Fina Pronominal choice, identity and solidarity in political discourse *Charlotte Linde Other people's stories: Third person narrative in individual and group identity *Karen Tracy The identity work of questioning in intellectual discussion Prior Discourses and the Structure of Classroom Interaction *Mary Buchinger Bodwell "Now what does that mean, 'first draft'?": Adult literacy classes and alternative models of editing a text *Deborah Poole The effects of text on talk in a class-room literacy event *Myriam Torres Why teachers do not engage in co-construction of knowledge: A critical discourse analysis 5:30 - 6:30 ROGER SHUY Getting People to Admit Their Guilt: A Case Study 6:45 - 7:45 DEBORAH SCHIFFRIN Narrative as Self-Portrait 8:00 - 11:00 Reception, Intercultural Center Galleria *SATURDAY, February 18* 9:30 - 10:30 HEIDI HAMILTON The Aging of a Poet: Intertextuality and the Co-construction of Identities in the Oppen Family Letter Exchange 10:45 - 12:45 Colloquium: Developments in Conversation Analysis: Oh, What, Or, Pardon (Coordinator: Maria Egbert) *Paul Drew 'What'?: A sequential basis for an 'open' form of repair initiation in conversation (and some implications for cognitive approaches to interaction) *Maria Egbert The relevance of interactants' eye gaze to the organization of other-initiated repair: The case of German 'bitte?' ('pardon?') *Anna Lindstrom 'Or'-constructed inquiries as a resource for probing the relevance of prior talk in Swedish conversation *John Heritage 'Oh'-prefaced responses to inquiry Privileged Views in Media Discourse *Gertraud Benke News about news: Textual features of news agency copies and their usage in the newsproduction *Debra Graham Racism in the reporting of the O.J. Simpson arrest: A critical discourse analysis approach *Ian Hutchby Arguments and asymmetries on talk radio Interactional Explanations for Patterns of Variation *Scott Fabius Kiesling Using interactional discourse analysis to explain variation *Sylvie Dubois The coherent network of effects on discourse Humorous Faces *Nancy K. Baym Humorous performance in a computer-mediated group *Diana Boxer and Florencia Cortes-Conde Teasing that bonds: Conversational joking and identity display 12:45 - 2:45 Theme lunch 2:45 - 4:45 Negotiating Authority and Status *Cynthia Dickel Dunn The language of the tea teacher: Shifting indexical ground in a Japanese pedagogical context *Lena Gavruseva 'What is this drivel about garages?': The construction of authoritative self in the cover letter discourse *Geoffrey Raymond The voice of authority: Sequence and turn design in live news broadcasts *Hideko Nornes Abe Discourse analysis on distal and direct styles of Japanese women's speech Narrative Structures across Languages *Viola G. Miglio Tense alternations in medieval prose texts *Asli Ozyurek How children use connectives to talk about a conversation *Marybeth Culley Rhetorical elaborations of a Chiricahua Apache comic narrative genre *Bethany K. Dumas Complex narratives in Ozark discourse Competing Discourses and Dominance *Tony Hak 'She has clear delusions': The production of a factual account *Catherine F. Smith Democratic discourses *John Clark Standard and vernacular: Persuasive discourse styles in conflict *Kathryn Remlinger Keeping it straight: The socio-linguistic construction of a heterosexual ideology in a campus community 5:00 - 7:00 Colloquium: Discourse and Conflict (Coordinator: Christina Kakava) *Faye C. McNair-Knox Discourse and conflict in African-American English womantalk: Patterns of grammaticalized disapproval in narratives *Christina Kakava Evaluation in personal and vicarious stories: Mirror of a Greek man's self *Patricia E. O'Connor 'You can't keep a man down': Positioning in conflict talk and in violent acts *Laine Berman Life stories from the streets: Homeless children's narratives of violence and the construction of a better world Discourse Influences on Syntactic Categories and Structures *Jennifer Arnold The interaction between discourse focus and verbal form in Mapudungun *Rajesh Bhatt Information status and word order in Hindi *Paul Hopper Discourse and the category 'verb' in English Interactional Construction of Cognitive Understanding *Pamela W. Jordan and Megan Moser Multi-level coordination in computer-mediated conversation *Claudia Roncarati Repetition and cognition in the information flow: A case-study in Brazilian Portuguese database *Andrea Tyler and John Bro Examining perceptions of text comprehensibility: The effect of order and contextualization cues *Robbert-Jan Beun Structure in cooperative dialogue 7:15 - 8:15 CHARLES GOODWIN The Social Life of Aphasia Saturday Evening Theme Dinner *SUNDAY, February 19* 9:30 - 10:30 FREDERICK ERICKSON Discourse Analysis as a Communication Chunnel: How Feasible is a Linkage between Continental and Anglo-American Approaches? 10:45 - 12:45 Colloquium: Frames Theory and Discourse (Coordinator: Janice Hornyak) *Janice Hornyak Personal and professional frames in office discourse *Susan Hoyle Negotiation of footing in play *Carolyn Kinney The interaction of frames, roles and footings: Conversational strategies of co-leaders in a long-term group *Yoshiko Nakano Interplay of expectations in cross-cultural miscommunication: A case study of negotiations between Americans and Japanese *Suwako Watanabe Framing in group discussion: A comparison between Japanese and American students Interpreting, Challenging, Evaluating Gender *Jennifer Curtis Contestation of masculine identities in a battering intervention program *Keller S. Magenau More than feminine: Attending to power and social distance dimensions in spoken and written workplace communication *Keli Yerian Professional and gendered identities in the discourse of two public television directors *Donna Trousdale Social languages and privileging: Gender and school science discourse Discursive Enactments of Cultural Ideologies *Isolda Carranza Stance-making in oral interviews *Shari E. Kendall Religion and experience: Constructed dialogue, narrative, and life story in religious testimonies *Agnes Weiyun He Stories as interactional resources: Narrative activity in academic counseling encounters *Orla Morrissey Discourse analysis as an evaluation methodology for technology assessment in pre-competitive R and D environments 12:45 - 2:15 lunch 2:15 - 3:45 Computational Approaches to Discourse Analysis *Megan Moser and Johanna D. Moore An approach to the study of discourse cues *Yan Qu A computational approach for automatically extracting discourse rules *Donald Lewis Theme and eventline in a Classical Hebrew narrative: A computer-assisted analysis Conversational Moves *C. Antaki, F. Diaz, A. Collins Participants' orientation to footing: Evidence from conversational completion *Peter Muntigl Saving face in argument: An analysis of face-threatening disagreements Fine-tuning Conversation *Hiroko Spees How aizuchi 'back channels' shape and are shaped by the interaction in Japanese conversation *Toshiko Hamaguchi Manifestation of shared knowledge in conversation *Yrjo Engestrom Discursive disturbances as bridge between the micro and the macro: Evidence from activity-theoretical studies in collaborative work settings 4:00 - 5:00 DEBORAH TANNEN Academic Discourse as Discourse 5:00 - 5:15 RALPH FASOLD Closing Remarks **HOW TO CONTACT GLS 1995** Please send registration and requests for information regarding special discounts on airfare, accommodations, and transportation to the Georgetown Linguistics Society: GLS 1995 internet: gls[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]guvax.georgetown.edu Georgetown University bitnet: gls[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]guvax.bitnet Department of Linguistics voice: (202) 687-6166 479 Intercultural Center Washington, D.C. 20057-1068 Regularly updated information is available through the World-Wide Web Georgetown Linguistics Home Page: http://www.georgetown.edu/cball/gu_lx.html **REGISTRATION** On-site registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Intercultural Center (ICC) Galleria on Friday, February 17, 1995. Students $30.00 Non-students $40.00 ______________________________________________________ End of announcement. Please distribute as widely as possible. Thank you.