Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 19:39:34 -0600 From: Daniel S Goodman Subject: Re: DARE Queries in NADS 27.1 On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Wayne Glowka wrote: > LITTLE--meaning junior, son, etc. I have a friend from Dublin, GA, with a > name that he doesn't like, a name he shares with his father and also his > grandfather, I believe. At any rate, my friend goes by a nickname, "Rock"; > when he is queried about his father's name he always jokes: "Well, he's > Big Rock, and I'm Little Rock." The announcement is followed by laughter > and a change of subject. My mother's cousin was known as Little Aaron even after he became taller than Big Aaron. (Little Aaron's legal name was Richard -- Aaron was his "Jewish name"). 1950's; New York City and Ulster County, NY. Dan Goodman dsg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]