Date: Fri, 2 Feb 1996 10:52:18 -0500 From: "M. Lynne Murphy" <104LYN[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MUSE.ARTS.WITS.AC.ZA> Subject: Re: Fork and Knife? Knife and Fork? > A few colleagues of mine claim that they use > "knife and fork" and the other variety seems strange. > Another colleague uses "fork and knife" and says, > to him, the other usage sounds, in his word, "British." i've always used "knife and fork" (in new york, massachusetts, and illinois), can't remember anyone ever using "fork and knife" and am not british, or even south african. however, when discussing the fixedness of conjoined phrases (it's part of a deixis assignment i give), i've found a few differences between my northern u.s. preferences and my students' south african english preferences. e.g., i'd say a "grilled cheese and bacon sandwich", whereas the local preference is for "toasted bacon and cheese" (low fat diets are not the norm here). can't think of another example offhand, except that i've seen "cheese and wine" get- togethers advertised, where i would say "wine and cheese". lynne --------------------------------------------------------------------- M. Lynne Murphy 104lyn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Department of Linguistics phone: 27(11)716-2340 University of the Witwatersrand fax: 27(11)716-8030 Johannesburg 2050 SOUTH AFRICA