Date: Sun, 4 Feb 1996 12:50:04 -0700 From: Rudy Troike Subject: Urbana-Champaign Larry is right, that the (recent) larger size of Champaign (founded as a breakaway from Urbana) probably dictates the C-U order, or it may have descended from the fact that the train station was in Champaign. (Maybe Dennis Baron can do some digging on this.) Prior to the building of the library building (which straddles the boundary line) and the old gym, all of the campus was on the Urbana side of the line. Bloomfield (and probably a majority of the present faculty) lived in Urbana, which definitely gives it priority for linguists. Incidentally, one of my former colleagues there (who lives in Urbana), grows grapes and annually serves bottles of his "Urbana champagne". --Rudy Troike (rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]