Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 13:44:02 -0500 From: Allan Metcalf Subject: Re: word of the year list Speaking ex officio (though not ex cathedra) for the American Dialect Society, I know of no objection to publicizing our Word of the Year vote; in fact, I have made some effort to get the Word out to the media and others interested. You'll find a press release with the results from 1995 and previous years in the ADS Web site at: You'll also find an even more detailed account of the 1995 choices, with complete list of candidates and votes in each category, in the January 1995 Newsletter of the ADS, which is going to the printer (at last) today. If you belong to ADS, expect your copy next week; if you don't, give me your s-mail address and I'll send you the issue and a membership invitation. - Allan Metcalf, ADS executive secretary