Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 21:47:16 -0700 From: Rudy Troike Subject: Re: Five & Dime / Dime store Bagby Atwood in _The Regional Vocabulary of Texas_, p. 69, indicates the following percentages in his survey of the state: Racket store 47 Variety store 30 Five-and-ten 19 Dime store 13 Ten-cent store 3.3 Nickel store 2.6 He indicates that is declining, and is increasing (this was 1962). His map 115 p. 245 shows and both distributed pretty much throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and southern Arkansas. Both are shown in the Rio Grande Valley. In Brownsville, we had an old store, closed by 1950, which was labeled "Racket Store", but we had both a Kress's and a Woolworth's, oddly side by side on the main street, which I and everyone I can recall called . Are there no other published data to be cited, or is all we have the random recollections of ADS-Lers who choose to respond? --Rudy Troike (rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]