Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 12:25:06 +0000 From: "C.Thomas" Subject: Re: warp speed? I have heard this expression in the 1987 film "Lost Boys" in relation to a car. Briefly, a bunch of kids are trying to escape from some vampires and jump into their car. one of them says "Burn rubber!" and the driver accidentally puts the car in reverse, almost resulting in the car goimg over the edge of a cliff. To this the driver says "Burn rubber does not mean warp speed!" This would suggest that it is not too recent a phrase (almost 10 years) and that it has been used about "modes of transport" other than snow boards and mountain bikes. I have no idea as to its origins though. Charlotte (I think my 22 years of age still class me as "youth"!) ########################################################## Charlotte Thomas EGP95CMT[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] CECTAL Dept. of English Language and Linguistics University of Sheffield Sheffield S10 2TN UK