Date: Sat, 1 Jan 1994 10:39:42 -0700
Subject: Re: Variation in AAVE
Thanks to Don Lance for the Guy Bailey reference. When I was living in
Urbana, Illinois, it was very obvious to hear differences between "natives"
and those who (or whose families) had moved up from the Lower Mississippi
River and settled out enroute to Chicago. Urbana/Champaign would be a very
good spot to do a full community study (something I was too tied up with other
things at the time to consider). As James Sledd long ago noted, there have
always been social differences in the speech of AA communities, but these have
been inadequately explored as well. If one could gain access, a fascinating
group to study would be the old upper-class AA community in the Washington, DC
area, which was highly closed but very significant. Migration to the cities
is creating an rural/urban split in AA and Anglo communities both, but it will
be useful to rescue evidence of older arrangements before these are totally
subordinated to the rural/urban distinction.
Happy New Year, y'all
--Rudy Troike