Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 21:56:59 EST

From: Allan Metcalf aallan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM

Subject: Tamony lecture April 21

Randy Roberts may have announced this, but just in

case, here is an item from the forthcoming ADS


John Baugh, ADS president and professor of education, linguistics and

anthropology at Stanford, will present the ninth annual Peter Tamony Memorial

Lecture on American Language at the University

of Missouri, Columbia at 3:45 p.m. Thursday, April 21.

"The Evolution of African Ameri

can English and Its Educational Consequences" will be his topic.

The talk will be held, as always, in Ellis Library, home of the vast

files on slang and colloquialisms collected by Tamony in San Francisco during

his long life. The collection will be on display at the reception that

follows the talk.

For further information phone Nancy Lankford or Randy Roberts at (314)

882-6028 or write Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 23 Ellis Library,

Univ. of Missouri, Columbia MO 65201.

NOTE: Apologies for the erratic spaces that seem

to continue to appear in my messages. I am using the

America Online m

ail sending system & haven't yet

figured out how to avoid the spaces. Short lines don't

seem to help. - Allan