Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 10:59:14 CST
From: Dennis Baron debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UIUC.EDU
Subject: Re: waiter/waitress
In Message Thu, 27 Jan 1994 19:44:28 CST,
"Donald M. Lance" ENGDL[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]mizzou1.bitnet writes:
I'd like to rephrase my inquiry about gender-neutral terms for waiter/
When you go to restaurants in your area, how do personnel complete sentences
like these?
(showing customer to table) Welcome to Trattoria Strada Nova. Your _________
will be Cindy.
(at the table) My name is Cindy. I'll be your ___________ this evening. If
you need anything, please let me know.
They're all _servers_ here, Don, tho some may still say waiter/waitress.
On the check, there's usu. a place for the server's name or number.
This box is marked "server" by and large. Newspaper want ads will say
waiter/waitress, waitstaff, servers, sometimes waitpersons or waits.
Which reminds me, are all actors unemployed waitrons?
debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (\ 217-333-2392
\'\ fax: 217-333-4321
Dennis Baron \'\ ____________
Department of English / '| ()___________)
University of Illinois \ '/ \ ~~~~~~~~~ \
608 South Wright St. \ \ ~~~~~~~~~ \
Urbana, IL 61801 ==). \ __________\
(__) ()___________)