Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 11:49:54 +0100
Subject: Job opening: teach English in Germany?
In my department there will be an opening for a position of "Lektor",
beginning this fall. Job duties include mostly language instruction
(i.e. teaching "general language courses", grammar, translation
German - English, phonetics, etc.; also courses on American culture /
history / etc.).
Applicants must be native speakers of English resident in an
English-speaking country before taking this job. They must have at
least a Master`s degree in English, linguistics, German, or possibly
some other related field (Ph.D. or ABD status would be a plus); they should have some formal training in
TESOL. Also, some knowledge of German is mandatory (as duties include
teaching translation from German on an advanced level).
The successful candidate will be given a two-year contract, renewable
for another three years afterwards, but not beyond those five years.
The salary is calculated on the basis of the BATIIa scale of the
German civil service. Salary and fringe benefits to some extent
depend on age and marital status but can be expected to be in the
range of some 50.000 Deutsche Mark net per annum.
This is only a short announcement; for further details and a fuller
job description, write me or send me an e-mail message.If you know
someone who might qualify, feel free to pass this on. Applications
should be sent to me by the end of April.
Best regards,
Edgar Schneider
Edgar.Schneider[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
phone (int. line)-49-941-9433470
fax (int. line)-49-941-9434992