Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 19:04:38 -0500
Subject: Re: Gullah Bible
Thank you, Wayne, Becky and Sali for info on the Gullah Bible. With a
recommendation like that, I'm very interested in having our library
acquire it. I'd also like to know more about the Black Bible
Chronicles and the controversy/publicity on them, since whether
they're good texts or not I bet they're a fine tool for analyzing
language attitudes.
Do any of you have more details for ordering? eg, editors' or
authors' names? year of publication? address of publisher or
distributor? it would be very welcome.
It seems like this represents a new wave of Bible translation
into (post-)creole languages-- this time not by outside missionaries,
or not only (that goes back several centuries to Greenfield and the
Herrnhut manuscripts) but by the speakers, for their own use. I was
contacted last year about a project translating the Bible into Jamaican
Creole, though I have yet to see more than a few lines of it.
Thanks again,
--peter patrick