Date: Sat, 14 Jan 1995 15:48:36 +0000
Subject: 2 pl.
Hey all!
Last year around this time, there was a rather long thread about
"Y'all" and how in some parts of the US it is the 2pl. pronoun. Around
this neck of the woods (ie Edinburgh), I have heard, "yous", even by
educated speakers. I don't see why the standard plural couldn't be
added to the dingular pronoun and fill in the gap we lost a couple
centuries ago (?).
I haven't heard "yous" in formal usage, or, if I remember correctly,
in simple, active declaritive sentences. I have heard it in questions,
like "How are yous?" or "Can I get yous anything?". Perhaps it's the
brogue, but it certainly doesn't sound like the stereotypical,
blue-collar Chicago Bears fan.
I'm just wondering if anybody else has heard this in other parts of
the English-speaking world. If so, where, in what context, etc.?
--Aaron Drews